Bella Hadid hit the headlines after a photo of her in a see-through top emerged while she was recently sight-seeing in Japan. Then when Hadid covered her mouth with a surgical mask for a walk along the city streets of Tokyo, this too was a picture that became a headline topic. This wasn’t the end of the 21-year-old model making headlines from her time in Japan, there were a few more interesting encounters with the camera.
That surgical mask appeared to be in total contrast to what the trend-setting fashion model usually wears, showing Bella in a different light. But even the face mask didn’t trump a photo of Bella in her underwear, which seems to be getting the most attention today. Bella is seen lounging in her underwear perched high above Tokyo on a balcony from an Instagram post today and this is gathering the views.
Perez Hilton reports that Hadid got busy “freeing the nipple abroad” as seen in the recently posted images on her Instagram account. She was wearing a see-through top which left little to the imagination. Hilton describes Hadid as wearing a “KILLER” top seen in her “fun pics from her getaway.”
As far as the surgical mask goes, that wasn’t a fashion statement, it is a way of life in Japan. According to the Daily Mail , the high-fashion model did just as the Japanese do when out and about on the streets of the city — that is to don a surgical mask to keep from inhaling the polluted air.
Hadid wore no makeup and her hair was down in its natural state as she walked the streets alone in Japan. It really didn’t matter what she was wearing at the time as your eyes were drawn to the huge surgical mask that covered half the beauty’s face. Bella stopped to look at some Disney socks which seemed to clash with the snakeskin jacket and matching snakeskin pants she sported for her shopping trip.
The huge surgical mask covered up a good portion of Bella’s face, which is a face that was yet another headline in the news recently. This time it was with her best friend Kendall Jenner. Bella electronically embarked on a battle to defend her face and Kendall’s against a troll. That online troll claimed Bella and her best friend had some help sculpting their faces to achieve such flawless beauty.
Bella offered up a scathing slam to a troll who commented on a photo of her and Kendell together. The troll called them “fake b***ches,” which did not sit well with the supermodel, who deemed the verbal aggressor — “jealous”
But it looked like that was well forgotten when Bella’s photos from Japan started to emerge on her Instagram page. She looked relaxed as she took some time out to pose in her underwear against the backdrop of the Tokyo skyline, reports another article from the Daily Mail . That post is seen below. She posted this picture and in just one hour she had almost 500,000 likes and 2,308 comments accrued on this post.
The Daily Mail also pointed out how “defined” Bella’s “torso and legs” appear in the post above. They also suggest the picture is one her fans won’t soon forget. She captioned the post “Found in Translation,” which is assumed to be a reference to the Lost in Translation movie that was a hit in 2003.
Bella’s Instagram page is full of recent photos from her trip to Tokyo and she’s offered quite the array of poses in her pics from her time there. From flaunting her curves in her skivvies while lounging on a balcony to walking along the busy streets of Tokyo with half her face covered with a mask — it appears she has enjoyed her stay in Japan.