TLC occasionally puts up small webisodes on their YouTube channel to check in with the mega-clan or show off things they haven’t been able to show via the television show. In a recent webisode, the channel showed off Jana Duggar’s garden , something fans had heard about for quite a while now due to social media posts from her sisters praising her green thumb. In the video, Jana is seen not only going to her garden, but walking with all of the younger kids, both her siblings and Josh and Anna’s children, to help pick produce from it.
While the video itself was adorable, some fans quickly stated that they felt “sorry” for Jana, and that at 28, it was unfair of her to be raising her mother’s children, as reported by In Touch.
Jana Duggar is 28 and single, which isn’t all that uncommon in today’s society. However, the fact that Jana is 28 and single in her family is quite the rarity, given that most of her siblings get married in their early 20s. Some have even tied the knot in their late teens, such as sister Joy-Anna Duggar Forsyth. Jana has always remained staunch in stating that she’s waiting for the right man to come along, but he just hasn’t found his way yet.
Jana Duggar, however, has created her own little paradise in her backyard, away from the hustle and bustle of the remaining siblings that still live at home with her. It is rumored that Jana still sleeps in the same bedroom with all of the younger girls in her family, and will stay there until she gets married. The family also now has a live-in tutor, Laura, though it is unknown where she sleeps in the Duggar household.
The TLC webisode also showed fans another side of Jason, one of the more overlooked Duggar children. He stated that he loved to garden alongside big sister, Jana, and also developed a green thumb himself. However, he says that these days, he doesn’t have the time to garden any more, as he is busy with other business ventures, likely done with his brothers.