The future wife of Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, recently got involved in a royal scandal when her alleged nude photos leaked online. Celeb Jihad reportedly posted the naked pictures and claimed that there were more to come and these were just a preview. The site reportedly received many legal threats for posting leaked nude photos of celebrities and the American actress is their latest victim.
A rep for Kensington Palace told The Blast that Meghan’s leaked nude photos were fake and no further comment was made. According to the website, the photos allegedly showed Markle topless, but it was unclear where these nude pictures were taken. They think the photos look legit, but they could also be her lookalike or the images could just have been edited.
Despite the statement of the Kensington Palace’s rep, Radar Online revealed that Meghan Markle was wearing the same blue bracelet that was given to her by Prince Harry in the topless photos. The 33-year-old British heartthrob reportedly bought the jewelry during his trip to Africa back in 2016. According to the website, this suggests that the 36-year-old actress sent these naked photos to her fiance.
Harry is reportedly protective of Meghan, so they may look into doing some legal action against Celeb Jihad especially that they are about to get married. Around 30 SAS troops will allegedly guard the prince and his future wife at their wedding in Windsor. She has also completed special forces training to deal with a possible kidnap.
Apart from the nude photos that leaked online, Meghan Markle was also accused of being a user by her former best friend Ninaki Priddy whom she has been friends with since the age of 2. She told The Sun that she is very calculated in the way she handled people and relationships. She claimed that once the Los Angeles-born actress decides that you are not part of her life, she can be very cold and there’s nothing to negotiate.
Ninaki revealed that Meghan always wanted to become famous and owned a book about Princess Diana. They even visited Europe together when they were just 15 and posed outside the Buckingham Palace. She was the maid of honor at her wedding with film producer Trevor Engelson and witnessed their love for each other; that’s why she was shocked when she found out about their divorce.
Markle allegedly told Priddy that Trevor was the man that she wanted to have babies with and couldn’t imagine her life without him. Their friendship reportedly ended when she disapproved of how she broke up with her husband and she didn’t even give him an opportunity to work out their marriage. A few months after ditching Engelson, the Suits star reportedly started dating celebrity chef Cory Vitiello.
As the wedding of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry gets closer, there could still be more scandals coming out which may cause a nightmare to the British royal family.