Matt Lauer has expressed interest in making a career comeback after his firing for sexual harassment and alleged sexual assault while working for NBC and on the Today show. But rather than climbing back up to the A-List, Matt Lauer is being erased — or rather scrubbed — from it. Matt Lauer is just one of the celebrities who got taken down a notch or two in the #MeToo movement and is finding his image scrubbed off the wall of famous steakhouse the Palm.
Matt Lauer Believes That After His Divorce, He Will Be Able To Start Over
Just two months ago, both Matt Lauer and his estranged wife , Annette Roque, acknowledged that they were seeking a divorce as a result of their marital breakdown and his infidelity. Lauer and Roque have put their Sag Harbor property on the market, but Lauer reportedly had to slash the price to attract a buyer.
Friends of Matt Lauer say he believes he can get divorced and start fresh.
“They’ve started the divorce process. He thinks he can start fresh in both his personal and professional life.”
But starting over and returning to morning television seems to be more difficult for Matt Lauer than he thought it would be.
EXCLUSIVE: The Palm has removed caricatures of Matt Lauer, Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein from its walls
— New York Post (@nypost) March 19, 2018
AOL is reporting that Matt Lauer continues to spiral downward, as having your portrait scrubbed from the wall of the Palm is at the very least a major blow to the ego. The Palm reportedly quietly erased the caricature of Matt Lauer from their wall last month after the complaints continued to add up about Lauer’s “inappropriate sexual behavior” in the workplace. Portraits of Today colleagues Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb remain on the wall at the Palm.
Sources say that Matt Lauer has been laying low in the Hamptons where his property is on the market. Lauer’s estranged wife, Annette Roque, and the two younger children have recently spent time in her native Holland.
“He hasn’t shown his face at his Manhattan apartment lately. The Hamptons has been a good place for him to hide, but he isn’t sure he will stay. Matt definitely regrets his behavior. He lost not only his family but his career and many of his closest friends.”
Friends of Matt Lauer remain skeptical that he can make a comeback, and they think he should take a hint about his portrait being scrubbed off the wall at the Palm.
“Matt seems to be under the impression that if he waits this news cycle out, this will go away and he can have a comeback. He has seen a lot of people come back and hopes he will too. For right now, his friends feel that isn’t realistic. His team has discussed a public apology, but agreed disappearing right now seems to be for the best.”
New York’s famed Palm steakhouse has reportedly taken down its caricature of Matt Lauer
— The Cut (@TheCut) March 20, 2018
Matt Lauer Isn’t The Only Celebrity To Be Erased From The Wall At The Palm
Page Six says that Matt Lauer is not the only target of the #MeToo movement to be erased from the wall at the Palm. Both Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby were also scrubbed from the wall at the famous steakhouse. Other restaurants, like Sardis, have decided to wait for a verdict in any sexual misconduct case. The wall at Sardis features Geoffrey Rush, Dustin Hoffman, Michael Douglas, and James Franco (who all deny any misconduct).