Fans have waited a long time to see the evil that is said to dwell in the infamous Demon House in Gary, Indiana. Ghost Adventures host and lead investigator Zak Bagans purchased the dwelling in 2014 after being intrigued by tales of hauntings that were occurring at the house. Bagans knows there will be skeptics of his findings, but those who believe will be shocked and terrified at what Zak has said was a true portal to hell.
People caught up with Zak to get some background on what attracted him to the terrifying home and about the new feature-length film that was just released this weekend. Bagans says he was first intrigued with the home after reading about Latoya Ammons and her family being terrorized by paranormal activity. The family reported such phenomenons as levitation, physical contact, and even possession. The big story that grabbed Zak’s attention was that of a little boy walking backwards up a wall. This was all witnessed by credible sources including a Child Protective Services social worker, a nurse, and a psychiatrist.
Bagans traveled to Indiana to witness the chaos for himself. He spoke with first responders as well as other witnesses and shared they were all completely traumatized by the house. Zak admits he initially didn’t know what to expect or what exactly he would find. Bagans said, “There was just a totally different vibe in and around that house. These eyewitnesses experienced incredible trauma.”
Demon House also documents other cases that occurred from people having contact with the dwelling. One case involves a parapsychologist facing organ failure and another of a young girl who attempted suicide. Zak is also still haunted by the time he spent inside the house of hell.
Ultimately the house was boarded up, and Bagans went in to be locked inside overnight just as he does in all Ghost Adventures investigations. Bagans said of the experience, “There were recurring moments of a growl and there were some noises that sounded like it was coming up the steps. That is permanently etched in my brain. To see darkness move in the house was unnerving.”
While Zak admits he gets terrified, he faces his fears head on and proves this time and time again as he faces demonic activity all over the world. He says his investigation of Demon House ranks as one of the most traumatic yet fascinating cases he has ever dealt with.
SYFY WIRE also caught up with Zak prior to the release of Demon House . The much-anticipated documentary warns viewers and believers prior to the films start that “Demonologists believe that demons can attach themselves to you through other people, objects, and electronic devices… View at your own risk.” Will this warning tempt you to stay clear of the film?
It was also shared that while Bagans had the house torn down in 2016 after his investigation was complete, the grounds are still charged with demonic energy. While Zak never caught anything on film for the documentary, he learned it isn’t just about physical evidence inside the house. It is about how the energy can travel and how it affects those who come in contact with it after the fact. Zak says even though it’s over and the house is gone, his dreams still haunt him with vivid images of the dwelling.
Bagans knows that not everyone will believe the horror people faced at the mercy of this house and he is okay with that. Zak says, “It’s not my job to force people to believe things. I respect and believe skeptics. This is my story and investigation. Just watch the journey. I’ll never forget what I went through. And if you want to believe in it, do. If you don’t, then you just never will. That’s fine. I focus my energy on what I believe in. And I believe in all of this.”