‘Kingdom Come: Deliverance’ Patch 1.3.1 Brings Some Bug Fixes But Causes Visual Issues For Users

Kingdom Come: Deliverance has taken the gaming world by storm since its launch in mid-February. However, as with most massive open world games, Kingdom Come did release with its own host of bugs. Since it’s release, Czech developer Warhorse Studios has been hard at work releasing patches for PC, Xbox and PlayStation 4 users, and they haven’t slowed down yet. Releasing yesterday (March 10), Warhorse dropped Patch 1.3.1, bringing with it much-needed CPU optimizations on the PC, as well as a host of other fixes. Patch 1.3 brought with it much needed save system improvements, as well as improvements brought to the game’s vsync performance on both PC and console, which Digital Foundry has detailed in their performance analysis.

Patch 1.3.1 is more of a hotfix, giving players even more performance tweaks – especially CPU optimizations for users – and improvements to lockpicking, as well as a host of other quality of life fixes. Many of these fixes are taking care of issues players have had with the game since its launch. Now there is a “Save and Exit” feature in the menu, and lockpicking, specifically on a controller, has been tweaked in order to make the mini-game more manageable (though using a mouse remains unchanged). A full list of fixes brought with the 1.3.1 hotfix is on the game’s update history on Steam.

However, as reported by players and confirmed by Daniel Vavra, Warhorse Studios founder and developer of Kingdom Come, hotfix 1.3.1 has screwed up some visual features for some players. The resulting issues could be due to mods, though.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance has been met with generally good reception since its launch in February, sitting at a 75 percent. Critics have praised the game for its complex RPG systems, making players reminisce PC RPGs of old, though many have complained about the lack of save features and the nature of many of the bugs. Kingdom Come: Deliverance started life as a Kickstarter, with first-time developer Warhorse Studios reaching its goal relatively quickly into the process. Kingdom Come: Deliverance was delayed a few times, but players have finally been able to visit medieval Bohemia after the game’s release on February 13 on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

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