CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Committee has decided that Dinesh D’Souza is no longer welcome to speak at their upcoming meeting after making comments they are calling “indefensible” about the teen victims of the Parkland shooting. When asked why someone who mocked the child victims of a school shooting was still speaking at CPAC, a representative set the record straight on Twitter .
CPAC Has Confirmed That Dinesh D’Souza Is No Longer Speaking At Their Upcoming Meeting
“Hey Rafael, this is # FakeNews . @ DineshDSouza is not a speaker at # CPAC2018 . You are seeing an archived speaker profile and we are taking down his archived picture. His comments are indefensible.”
Some of the students who survived the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School went to the legislature to share their horrific experience at the hands of school shooter Nikolas Cruz in the hope of banning assault weapons. Many were dismayed that their personal testimony seemed to fall on deaf ears, says Slate . But their grief and disappointment were further compounded by the chiding they received on Twitter courtesy of pundit Dinesh D’Souza, who seemed to be enjoying the sorrow of the Parkland, Florida teens, many of whom were photographed crying after the vote.
D’Souza suggested that children had no business speaking out on political matters.
Worst news since their parents told them to get summer jobs
— Dinesh D’Souza (@DineshDSouza) February 20, 2018
Here is everything you ever needed to know about Dinesh D’Souza, you’re welcome.
Convicted Felon Dinesh D’Souza Calls Obama ‘Ghetto.’ From Jail.
— Kaili Joy Gray (@KailiJoy) February 20, 2018
Dinesh D’Souza Was Accused Of Trolling The Teen Survivors Of The Parkland Shooting
Dinesh D’Souza continued by suggesting that the adults who decided not to ban assault weapons had won.
“Adults 1, kids 0”
The Wrap says that Dinesh D’Souza was attacked on Twitter by people on both sides of the aisle for mocking children who suffered such a tragic loss less than a week ago. D’Souza is being accused of “trolling kids.”
Even people who traditionally agree with D’Souza were shocked.
“I usually am very supportive of your opinions. But, if those really were shooting survivors, your statement was completely lacking in class!”
Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard called Dinesh D’Souza’s comments repulsive.
“Given his truly repulsive tweets today, I suspect Dinesh D’Souza has overtaken Marion Le Pen as the most distasteful speaker at this year’s CPAC.”
Kurt Eichenwald, an editor for Vanity Fair made a short list of things for people to know about Dinesh D’Souza if they were not familiar with his background.
“About Dinesh D’Souza: 1. He’s a stupid person’s idea of a smart person. 2. He’s a stupid person. 3. He’s a convicted criminal. 4. He’s an amoral sociopath. 5. He craves attention……so I didn’t link him to this. Treat him like what he is: Wipe him off the bottom of your shoe.”
Heavy Shared Some Background Information About D’Souza Who Refers To Himself As An ‘Intellectual’
Heavy published a list of things that you “need to know” about Dinesh D’Souza. They shared the fact that D’Souza pleaded guilty to campaign contribution fraud in 2014, admitting that he used a “straw donor” to male illegal campaign contributions to a U.S. Senate candidate. D’Souza through a plea agreement received a sentence of 10 to 14 months and five years of probation. Dinesh D’Souza also was sentenced to a fine, community service, and weekly counseling.