A Florida prof. who says the Newtown shootings didn’t happen and makes the outlandish claim the school massacre was an orchestrated ruse by the Obama administration to implement gun control has fueled web conspiracists further in their skepticism of the event, but officials in the sleepy Connecticut town are understandably upset — and want the professor, James Tracy, terminated for his upsetting remarks.
The Florida prof. who says the Newtown murders “didn’t happen” — or at least didn’t happen the way the media portrayed them — is not alone in his strange belief about the killings that shook Americans and sparked an intense debate about gun control in the United States.
(Previously, we have reported on Sandy Hook conspiracy theories involving Batman, as well as claims the grieving parents are “actors,” and that a confused media narrative about the shootings in the harried first hours reflects an incomplete “story” about the event.)
The Florida prof. is one of many who essentially believe Newtown’s school shooting didn’t happen — and theories abound about a false flag operation in the town. But while conspiracy types and some who oppose gun laws are piqued, officials in Newtown have been horrified by the statements made by the Florida prof. and call for Tracy’s firing.
Newtown first selectwoman E. Patricia Lladro responded to a Fox News inquiry about the claim, and said of Tracy’s blog rant calling the Sandy Hook shooting a hoax:
“”Shame on you, too, [Florida Atlantic University], to even have someone like this on your payroll … Professor Tracy is an embarrassment to me as an educator and should be to you as well. I can assure you, sadly, that the events here in Newtown unfolded exactly as are being reported, with the horrible outcome of the violent death of 26 innocent people, including 20 children.”
Lladro continued:
“It is outrageous and an insult to all caring people to think that this man would chose this event as a stage for his outlandish conspiracy theories.”
While the Florida prof.’s comments that Newtown didn’t happen have angered or offended a great many people, especially in Newtown, comments about Tracy’s remarks on the web have indicated that more than a few web users are of the belief that the Sandy Hook shooting was staged to “disarm America.”