What Melania Trump Would Get If She Leaves Donald Trump Over His Alleged Affair With Stormy Daniels

Rumors of Donald Trump’s affair with porn star Stormy Daniels have rocked the White House in recent days. While Trump continues to deny that he cheated on Melania, Americans can’t help but wonder what would happen if the two split. How much money would Melania walk away with in the event of a presidential divorce?

Inside Trump’s Prenup Past

Town and Country asked two prominent matrimonial attorneys what would happen if Trump and Melania parted ways. Trump has been divorced twice and had a prenup in place both times, although Ivana Trump and Marla Maples contested it. Ivana received around $14 million in the deal, plus a mansion in Connecticut and a $650,000 paycheck every year for child support.

In comparison, Maples was only given $2 million. Although these settlements are pretty good, the stakes are much higher for Melania, who shares one child with Trump.

How Is Their Prenup Structured?

Peter Stambleck, an attorney for the New York firm, Aronson, Mayefsky & Sloan, explained how Trump likely structured the prenup to avoid a complicated mess in the event of divorce. Trump is a billionaire, and his assets are tangled in a web of LLCs, investment groups, shell companies, and other business.

To avoid weeding through this complicated mess, Trump and Melania probably agreed to a title controlled prenup. This means that each party will retain whatever assets are in their name at the time of the divorce.

What About Assets?

For assets that are jointly owned, Jacqueline Newman, a partner at the law office of Berkman Bottger Newman & Rodd, believes that Trump and Melania would settle via real estate.

Trump wouldn’t necessarily give up any of his current holdings, but he might buy a new house for Melania and her son. When it comes to personal items, like jewelry, Melania will retain whatever is in her personal collection.

Will Melania Win The Custody Battle?

Custody issues can get heated in high profile divorces, but that might not hold true for Trump and Melania. Based on reports, it’s clear that Melania does most of the parenting at home and would likely win primary custody rights. Trump would probably setter for full access to his son whenever he comes to town.

How Much Money Will Trump Lose?

The biggest question is how much money Trump would pay Melania in the event of a divorce. It wouldn’t be out of the question for Melania to receive $50 million or higher; it just depends on what they agreed on in the prenup. Melania could also be given access to Mar-a-Lago and even Trump’s private jet, per the prenup.

Will Melania Get More Because She’s The First Lady?

With Trump being the President of the United States, Melania has a lot more leverage than in the past. There’s a possibility that the two have already ironed out a postnuptial agreement considering their new situation, which could give Melania more assets in the event of a split.

Despite all the rumors, the President has denied that he had an affair with Daniels. There are reports that his lawyer, Michael Cohen, allegedly paid the former porn star $130,000 and made her sign a non-disclosure agreement months before Donald Trump won the election, but Cohen has disputed the claims he had paid Daniels for her silence.

Melania Trump has not commented on the rumors of her husband’s infidelity.


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