‘Battlefront II:’ Criterion Games Is Starting To Clean Up EA’s Epic Mess With Offline DLCs

Star Wars Battlefront II has grabbed the attention of gamers and the press worldwide since EA’s loot crate controversy. For a while now, negative reports of the AAA title have plagued the internet. However, Criterion Games—one of the game developers that worked on SWBII—may have just changed the tide and saved the future of the Star Wars-themed title.

Criterion Games, the game developer who worked on Star Wars Battlefront II with EA DICE and Motive Studios, made an announcement via Twitter about the AAA game recently. The British developer stated that it has rearranged its plans for future DLCs for SWBII and has decided to focus on creating offline content for the game.

According to VideoGamer, Criterion responded to the request of one fan named Luis Filipe Silva, who just happened to share the same idea as other SWBII gamers. Based on the enthusiastic reactions to Criterion’s announcement, a majority of SWBII players have wanted offline content for the title for quite some time now.

In fact, tons of requests flooded in as fans kept pitching ideas for offline DLCs Criterion could create. One gamer called Mehmet Can asked for offline bots of all the multiplayer mods, specifically for Galactic Assault and Starfighter Assault. Many other people made the same request, making it the most requested content.

Ultimately, the European game developer opened the line of communication with Battlefront II players in the tweet, which may be why it was well-received. The company assured gamers that their requests were being heard and would be fulfilled if possible.

Gamers responded positively to the tweet and applauded Criterion’s continued efforts to improve Star Wars Battlefront II. Based on the replies to Criterion’s Twitter announcement, it is evident that there is a small number of people who still support the title.

Currently, Cowen decreased Electronic Arts profit forecasts for Star Wars Battlefront II because of the negative impact it has had in the gaming industry, reported CNBC. The investment firm blamed EA’s loot box microtransactions for the drop in sales, acknowledging that gamers strongly disapproved of the monetary system. Based on Cowen’s report, investors do not think SWBII can recover.

However, if Criterion continues to listen to SWBII players and consider their requests, it may help boost sales of the title. After all, other great titles with promising futures have bombed after its launch and recovered. No Man’s Sky is one title that was able to recover from its bad first impressions and improve slowly through gamers’ insights, as per Kotaku. So, there still might be hope for Star Wars Battlefront II.

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