Vine was a social platform the brought us many social media stars along the way. However, Twitter, the owner of Vine, decided to shut it down in late 2016. It’s absence has been felt and now Vine’s cofounder Dom Hofmann is teasing a second version of Vine, which has fans going wild.
Vine was an app where users could create a six-second-max video. According to Engadget became a haven , Vine for bizarre performances and it birthed a new culture with its own set of viral stars. Many Vine users were shocked when Twitter announced in October 2016 that they would be shutting down the app. The official shutdown did not take place until January 2017, as reported by Variety .
After the shutdown, many of the big stars from Vine scattered to Instagram and YouTube with some success, according to Engadget . As the success has been minimal, Vine users and fans have been mourning its closure.
Vine co-founder Dom Hofmann has recently been giving the app new life, which has many people very excited. Last week, Hofmann tweeted that he is “going to work on a follow-up to vine.” This was just what fans of the app needed to hear and now Hofmann teased them even more, as he tweeted out a simple logo today.
As Vine fans know, that was the platform’s signature type and color, so perhaps Vine will be returning? The “V2” definitely is hinting at that concept.
According to Engadget , the chances of a potential Vine 2.0 happening are still pretty unclear. With his initial tweet confirming he was going to be working on a follow-up to Vine, Hofmann also stated that he would be funding the project himself as an “outside project.” This would keep it from interfering with other work at his current company Interspace. He stated he would share more details as the project developed.
This self-funding concept is new for Vine, as USA Today reported that the original Vine was bought by Twitter for $30 million in 2012, which happened before Vine even launched. Now Hofmann will be funding the project himself, as it appears he tries to bring new life to Vine.
The other Vine cofounders, Rus Yusupov and Colin Kroll, have been busy doing their own thing since Vine shut down. The pair developed a trivia app called HQ, which launched in October . Engadget said the new app has achieved its own success. The company is seeking a post-money valuation at $80 million to $100 million and the app will soon launch in Android.