Manushi Chhillar of India bags the Miss World 2017 crown again for the sixth time in pageant’s history, sharing the record of having the most win with Venezuela, during the coronation night on Saturday night, November 18 (CST). She bested 117 women from all over the world in a festive ceremony held at the Sanya City Arena in Sanya, China.
After 17 long years, the Indian representative brings the crown back to her country, Independent UK reported. India is considered a powerhouse country in the Miss World pageant and boasts the likes of Aishwarya Rai, Priyanka Chopra, and many others who conquered the world stage after winning the prestigious title.
Ms. Chhillar grew up in Haryana, a North Indian state surrounding New Delhi on 3 sides. She’s a medical student who enjoys dancing and advocates women’s right in her country. She plans to exert efforts on Menstrual Hygiene and Awareness during her reign.
She was crowned by Miss World 2016 Stephanie del Valle of Puerto Rico. Joining her court were Andrea Meza of Mexico and Stephanie Hill of England, who both placed as first and second princess to Chhillar, respectively.
The 20-year-old Indian beauty had a tough battle winning the crown, she edged the Question and Answer Round in the Top 5 with Magline Jeruto of Kenya and Aurore Kichenin of France. In the Top 10, she battled with Achintya Holte Nielsen of Indonesia, Solange Sinclair of Jamaica, Polina Popova of Russia, Adè van Heerden of South Africa and Ha-eun Kim of South Korea.
Completing the Top 15 are delegates from El Salvador, Nigeria, Japan, Macau China, and Mongolia, who won the People’s Choice Award 2017.
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The semifinalists were selected through a meticulous process through the head-to-head challenge, fast-track competition, and judges pick. Forty ladies were chosen to advance in this round, including contestants from Argentina, Bangladesh, Botswana, Brazil, China, Colombia, Croatia, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Italy, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Liberia, Malta, Moldova, Nepal, New Zealand, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Sweden, Ukraine, United States, Venezuela, and Vietnam.
For the special awards, Miss Philippines Laura Lehman bagged the Beauty With A Purpose Award (BWAP) for a project advocating the establishment of Milk Banks in her country.
[Featured Image by Manushi Chhillar/ Instagram ]