Filmmaker and progressive activist Michael Moore is urging his two million-plus Facebook followers to sign a petition calling for the impeachment of U.S. President Donald Trump that was launched by liberal California billionaire Tom Steyer. Moore claims that waiting until the November 2020 election to remove the “dangerous sociopath” is not an option because “Donald J. Trump has proven himself to be completely unfit for office, a threat to our country and an imminent danger to this world.”
In a long Facebook post in which he notes that he just signed the impeachment petition himself, Moore claims that the voters made a “colossal mistake” in electing Trump. Among his litany of complaints, Moore said the president would distract the country from the pending investigations with a war in North Korea and that he has lied about alleged dealings with Russia.
Moore claims that Democrats, particularly in the U.S. Senate, won’t find the backbone to stand up to Trump unless they are convinced that the general public is on their side.
“This petition I’m asking you to sign isn’t just a challenge to the Republicans to clean house, it is a demand to the Democratic elected officials you and I voted for to DO THEIR JOB… If recent history has proven anything, it’s that Democrats only act when we tell them to.?..The cautious and often-frightened Democratic leaders will usually, eventually, finally come around and do the right thing. And they do so because they are good at (sooner or later) listening to the will of the people.”
In the social media essay, Moore praised the handful of Democrats in the U.S. House who have introduced articles of impeachment but chided Democrat senators for previously supporting the Iraq War and opposing gay marriage until public opinion changed.
Drawing a parallel with Brexit, the U.K. referendum in which the British electorate voted to leave the European Union, last year Michael Moore correctly predicted that Trump, a former Democrat and independent who ran for the nation’s highest office on the GOP ticket, would win the 2016 presidential election because of his appeal in the economically hard-hit Rust Belt states. On several occasions, Moore has also anticipated a successful Trump reelection bid in 2020 unless facts on the ground change.
Tom Steyer has insisted on the Donald Trump impeachment petition website that the tax reform plan currently pending in Congress favors the wealthy and corporate interests rather than the middle class. “This month, Steyer pledged another $10 million toward his campaign to impeach Trump, after having already invested $10 million to launch it,” Breitbart New s reported . Evidently, the petition has already achieved about two million signatures.
Despite his low popularity ratings , factors moving in Trump’s favor include improved economic conditions and consumer confidence, a surging stock market, job growth, progress on making international trade deals more even-handed, and a willingness for companies (such as semiconductor giant Broadcom) to relocate to and/or expand operations in the U.S.
Late last month, President Trump mocked “sloppy” Michael Moore on Twitter for the closing of his Broadway play, The Terms of My Surrender, describing the one-man show as a “total bomb.”
[Featured Image by Pablo Martinez Monsivais/ AP Images and Andy Kropa/Invision/AP Images]