Veterans Day falls on a Saturday this year, but the federal holiday will be observed on Friday, November 10, and that’s creating some confusion as to whether or not there will be mail delivery on Friday and Saturday. If you are expecting a package from the US Postal Service, FedEx, or UPS, here’s what you need to know about holiday weekend delivery schedules.
Veterans Day is one of 10 federal holidays in the United States and is always observed on November 11. However, according to the Federal Office of Personnel Management , because the holiday falls on a Saturday, most federal employees who normally have Saturdays off will get Friday, November 10, off instead.
Fortunately, that doesn’t mean the post office will be closed on Friday. Although post office employees work for the federal government, Saturday is a normal workday for many who deliver mail or work at mail facilities or USPS branch offices, so the post office will be closed on Saturday this year.
Many branch offices normally close at noon on Saturdays, but, on November 11, all locations will be closed in observance of Veterans Day and no mail will be delivered. Bottom line — most schools, libraries, and government offices will be closed on Friday, November 10, but the post office will be open normal business hours.
If you have mail that needs to go out on Saturday, you can drop it in a blue post office collection box. According to the United Postal Service , letters and packages may be collected from the boxes “to avoid overflow” throughout the holiday weekend, but the mail won’t be processed until the next business day.
Expecting a package from UPS or FedEx on Veterans Day? Both package delivery companies close down on many of the 10 federal holidays, but Veterans Day is excluded from the list.
According to Federal Express , the company has normal pickup and delivery service on Veterans Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Presidents Day, and Columbus Day. All branch locations will be open as well. Expect to see the familiar brown UPS trucks on the road on Friday, as well. The package delivery company will be operating on their normal Monday through Friday schedule.
The next federal holiday is Thanksgiving, so plan ahead because UPS, FedEx, and the post office will be closed on Thursday, November 23.
[Featured Image by Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images]