A man pushed in front of a train last night in Sunnyside, Queens has been identified as Sunando Sen, an immigrant from Calcutta.
Sen, the man pushed in front of a train at around 8 PM at the 40th Street Station of the 7 train, lived with roommate Ar Suman, 33, in Queens. Suman says Sen, 46, was a hardworking businessman and a quiet, kind man.
Understandably broken up by news his roommate was killed in such a bizarre and senseless way, Suman told the New York Post :
“I think [the woman suspected of pushing Sen in front of the train is] crazy … I can’t believe this right now.”
Another roommate of Sen added:
“My heart is broken because this guy was so nice and quiet.”
According to NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly, Sen was identified after the platform murder by “information on his person and info called in.” Kelly said his cops were able to find some footage of the suspect — described as a Hispanic female in her twenties, heavy-set in stature and potentially mentally unstable. (Footage of the suspect in the subway push killing is embedded below.)
Mayor Mike Bloomberg addressed the incident involving the man pushed in front of a train in Sunnyside, saying that while two incidents in a month is certainly worrying, New Yorkers remain safer than ever and that the subway is not inherently a dangerous place.
Bloomberg urged New Yorkers not to blow the risk of subway push incidents out of proportion and commented:
“[The NYC Subway is] the safest big transit system in the world … 5.5 million people use it everyday. Cameras wouldn’t prevent what happened yesterday … I don’t know if there’s a way to prevent it. There’s always going to be a deranged person. But two is too many … Our prayers go out to the families in these cases … It’s a rare occurrence and shouldn’t change our lifestyle. Everybody should exercise caution…you are so much safer here than anyway else.”
Kelly concurred, saying he does not plan to add police to platforms in New York after the man was pushed in front of the train, and said police are proportionally stationed in the city, including subway stations.