Director James Toback continues to deny he ever sexually harassed or assaulted anyone, but now Rachel McAdams and Selma Blair are coming forward with their stories of dealing with Toback. The number of women with various sordid tales about James Toback has now risen to 200, and now both Rachel McAdams and Selma Blair have spoken to Vanity Fair to tell similar stories of harassment and, in the case of Selma Blair, assault allegedly at the hands of Toback.
Last week the Los Angeles Times published an article researched by Glenn Whipp that told the stories of 38 women who claim to have either been sexually harassed or assaulted by James Toback using various levels of manipulation with the promise of acting jobs. The article claimed that it was James Toback’s M.O. to trot out his credentials to lure young actresses to his hotel room for an alleged audition, despite being married and having a teenage son at home.
“But, like an aging high-school football star, Toback was still bragging about his best plays years later and using his Hollywood credentials to lure women to private ‘auditions.’”
But James Toback says that it is biologically impossible for him to sexually assault anyone due to diabetes and a heart condition, and Toback is calling into question all of his accusers.
Rachel McAdams, Selma Blair Accuse James Toback of Sexual Harassment via @thedailybeast
— Patricia Farrell, Ph.D. (@drpatfarrell) October 26, 2017
Both Rachel McAdams and Selma Blair met with James Toback hoping for a role in a movie called Harvard Man . Both women tried to meet with Toback in the hotel restaurant but were allegedly lured up to his room. James Toback suggested that the exercise or test was all a part of the audition for the role. In telling their stories, both McAdams and Blair are hoping that Toback is held responsible. Selma Blair says that she is coming forward because Toback called his other accusers liars.
“When he called these women liars and said he didn’t recall meeting them and that the behavior alleged could not be attributed to him, I just felt rage and an obligation to speak publicly now.”
McAdams agreed, saying that she wants to come forward to legitimize the sexual harassment allegedly at the hands of James Toback.
“I did not want to talk about this ever again. However, even though it is a really bad memory, I feel like some good could come from talking about it now.”
#SelmaBlair … #RachelMcAdams Are the Latest to Accuse #Filmmaker #JamesToback of #SexualHarassment @ringer #News #Scum
— Adam, Diabetic Cyborg (@DiabeticCyborgg) October 26, 2017
Rachel McAdams says that her meeting with James Toback was among her first real auditions after leaving acting school. McAdams went to a large audition with many other actors where Toback took notice of her and asked that she leave her contact information. McAdams says that James Toback called her that night and asked her to come to his hotel before he left town. McAdams says she was reluctant but went because she didn’t want to miss an opportunity.
Soon after arriving at Toback’s hotel room, McAdams says the tone of the conversation turned very sexual and uncomfortable with Toback trying to shock her.
“You know, I just have to tell you. I have masturbated countless times today thinking about you since we met at your audition.”
Toback then allegedly challenged McAdams’ bravery and tried to get her to undress. McAdams says in retrospect that she was lucky to get out of the room without being sexually assaulted. But Selma Blair was not as lucky, and she says she did what she had to do to keep from getting raped.
Selma Blair explains that James Toback started with challenging her and questioning her bravery. Toback explained that for the part, he needed to see her body and wanted her to remove her clothes, but she was only finally willing to remove her sweater. Toback then allegedly started trying to break her down.
“Wow, you need a lot of work.”
Blair says she then tried to leave, but Toback had started touching himself and wasn’t going to let her leave without a “release.” Selma Blair then asked about his wife.
“It’s complicated, but yes. She’s wonderful. She’s a writer. She’s a teacher. And she’s a wonderful woman. And I have a girlfriend who can’t get enough sex. But I love that. I have to come six or seven times a day or else it really doesn’t work for me to get through my day.”
Blair said that after she said she wouldn’t have sex with Toback, he rubbed against her until he finished, and then told her what would happen if she told anyone.
Who Is Director James Toback, Now Accused Of Sexual Harassment?
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Both Rachel McAdams and Selma Blair recall how innocent they were at the time they first encountered Toback.
“I was no naive,” Rachel McAdams explains.”I had never experienced anything like that in my life.”
Do you believe Rachel McAdams and Selma Blair’s stories about encountering James Toback?
[Featured Image by Brian de Rivera Simon/Getty Images]