Joy-Anna Duggar Reveals What Austin Forsyth Banned Her From Doing At Their Wedding

According to Joy-Anna Duggar, her husband forbade her from doing something at their wedding that another Duggar bride was allowed to do.

Joy-Anna Duggar is already married and pregnant, but she’s still in the process of planning her wedding on Counting On. During tonight’s episode of the Duggars’ TLC reality series, viewers will get to watch the 19-year-old and a few of her female family members search for a wedding dress. TLC has shared a sneak peek of the group preparing for their trip to a bridal shop in Kentucky, where Joy-Anna had six specially-made gowns waiting for her. They were all creations of Rene Miller, the same designer who created “three prototype dresses” for Jinger Duggar to choose from ahead of her 2016 wedding. As reported by the Duggar Family Blog, Miller also designed the gowns that Jinger’s bridesmaids wore.

Joy-Anna told the Counting On cameras that she called “Miss Renee” soon after she got engaged to talk wedding dress possibilities.

“I didn’t really have an idea of exactly what I wanted, so she was like, ‘Well, I’m going to design five different dresses, and you can come and find out what you like about each one, and we can mix and match if we need,” Joy-Anna recalled.

In another sneak peek shared by People, Joy-Anna reveals that Renee later created a sixth option for her to consider.

Even though Miller worked hard to please Joy-Anna by listening to her wedding dress desires and crafting half a dozen one-of-a-kind designs for her to try on, the Duggar daughter admitted that she wasn’t exactly looking forward to the experience.

“I’ve never really liked wearing dresses that much,” she confessed. “I was always, I guess, more of the jean skirt and a T-shirt girl, and so I really don’t have any idea of what type of gown I want for when I walk down the aisle. I never really was the type to dream about that stuff.”

“I’m not excited about shopping, ever.”

While the Duggar daughter didn’t initially have any clue about what she was looking for in a wedding dress, she did hint that she had made one style decision that would have spared her a shopping trip. Unfortunately, her future husband nixed her plan to walk down the aisle sans shoes.

“I don’t know what shoes I’m wearing,” Joy-Anna said while she was packing for the trip to Kentucky. “Austin doesn’t want me to go barefoot, but…”

Joy-Anna possibly got the idea to be a barefoot bride from her older sister, Jill Duggar. In a video shared by Hollywood Life, Jill explained that she decided to skip shoes for her wedding because she always thought it would be a “cool” thing to do, and she likes the height difference between herself and her husband when she’s barefoot.

Joy-Anna ultimately ended up wearing strappy brown sandals for her wedding, and it wouldn’t be the only time Austin Forsyth influenced her style. As CafeMom reports, she has traded her beloved jean skirts for dresses because of her husband.

“I said before that I don’t like dresses, but Austin likes them on me, and so I’m branching out and I’m wearing some dresses now.”

While Joy-Anna has said over and over again that she’s not a fan of dresses, she did discover that she’s more particular about wedding gowns than she first thought upon entering Renee Miller’s bridal shop.

“I saw a couple that you know, might be an option,” said the Duggar daughter of the six dresses waiting for her. “But the rest of them were a little not my style. I knew they weren’t going to work.”

You can watch Joy-Anna Duggar try on wedding gowns when Counting On airs tonight at 9 p.m. ET on TLC.

[Featured Image by Austin And Joy Forsyth/Instagram]

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