History will show that this week has not been a good one for world peace. As reported by the Inquisitr , U.S. president Donald Trump went to the United Nations and threatened to “totally destroy” North Korea if it threatens the U.S. or her allies. North Korea is far from cowed by Trump’s threats, as reported by The Guardian. North Korean foreign minister Ri Yong-ho branded President Trump a “barking dog,” and the North Korean dictator followed up by calling Trump a “dotard.”
It is both worrying and incredible to see two world leaders trading public insults, many people see the behavior of Trump and Kim Jong-un as little more than “playground politics,” but North Korea refuses to bow to international demands. The last few months have shown us that when Trump or the international community condemned North Korea, Kim Jong-un responds by testing missiles or nuclear weapons.
Developments over the past few days have many fearing that World War 3 could be just around the corner. Just yesterday, Ri Yong-ho told reporters that Kim Jong-Un is ready to test the most powerful detonation of a hydrogen bomb in the Pacific.
“It could be the most powerful detonation of an H-bomb in the Pacific. We have no idea about what actions could be taken as it will be ordered by leader Kim Jong-un.”
As reported by the Huffington Post , analysts estimate that North Korea’s latest nuclear test was 17 times stronger than the bomb that devastated the Japanese city of Hiroshima during World War II. A hydrogen bomb of that magnitude detonated over the Pacific Ocean would cause an ecological disaster. Pacific islands would be at risk from earthquakes and tsunamis, and an atmospheric detonation risks potentially deadly radiation spreading around the planet.
If those risks were not horrifying enough, the prospect of the test going wrong is high. North Korea’s intercontinental missiles are at best unreliable. Imagine what would be released upon the world if a nuclear test went wrong and the warhead exploded in Japan. This would almost certainly plunge the planet into a nuclear World War 3.
Donald Trump’s Nuclear Problems In Iran
Sadly, it isn’t just North Korea who are posing a nuclear threat to world peace. Since Donald Trump became president, he has been trying to undo the nuclear deal that the Obama administration signed with Iran. As reported by Newsweek , Trump also used his United Nations speech to condemn Iran as a “corrupt dictatorship” that exports “violence, bloodshed, and chaos.”
Trump went on to call Iran a “murderous regime” and vowed to stop Iran’s “building of dangerous missiles.” Iran responded by calling President Trump a “rogue newcomer to international politics” and said it deplored his “ignorant, absurd and hateful rhetoric.”
As reported by the BBC , Iran has now sent Trump a “signal of defiance taken straight from the North Korean textbook,” by testing a new medium-range missile system . The Iranian test is in direct defiance of a United Nations Resolution which bans Iran from developing missile systems that could be used to deliver a nuclear missile.
What seems clear is that neither North Korea nor Iran is intimidated by Donald Trump’s threats. Of course, President Trump shows no signs of taking a backward step. The situation as it stands means that tensions continue to rise, and with Iran joining North Korea by defying Trump, World War 3 is another step closer.
[Featured Image by Amir Kholousi/ISNA/AP Images]