There is a fake news report that screams the headline, “CHILD SUPPORT SAID TO END BY BEGINNING OF 2018,” and has been shared more than 46,000 times on Facebook from the website. However, President Donald Trump is not ending child support payments as the fake article claims. As reported by Lead Stories , the whole thing is a hoax, created from a hoax website that has the aim of spreading such shocking falsehoods that people are willing to share them en masse.
The article claimed that President Donald Trump and U.S. Congress voted on Tuesday, September 19, on a bill that would change the world by ending child support claims and payments. President Trump, the fake article claims, stated that he wouldn’t pay for “any party of parent to pay child support,” writes the weirdly worded fake story. The fake article went on to claim that Trump said that “ant” (instead of “any”) reports of abuse or child neglect to a child from the mother or father would mean that the child in question would automatically be turned over to the state’s child welfare agency. The supposed bill would be finalized by lawmakers on Wednesday, September 20. The outrageous nature of such claims should immediately peg the report as fake, but that hasn’t stopped some folks on Facebook from believing it as the Gospel truth.
As seen on Facebook, after searching for “ child support ends 2018 ,” a myriad of responses are being published on the social networking site. Some folks are posting emojis, laughing at the report that claimed child support payments would end in 2018. Others are writing that President Trump isn’t playing by ending child support payments in 2018. Others recognize the fake child support story as fake news.
According to Lead Stories , the original version of the fake story about child support ending in 2018 claimed that all fathers “on child support” would be taken off. The badly-written article claimed that no woman would be able to “put men on child support no matter if he doing for his child or not,” meaning that even those men who don’t buy anything for their children would not have to pay child support in 2018.
The fake article claimed that President Trump said, “we have men [sic] that’s paying child support and they still can’t see their kids or they [sic] paying child support and the female parent is not using that money for a good need or doesn’t spend a dime on that child/kids. So my goal is to have this law passed before we enter into 2018. I am your [sic] president of the united states may we make America great again.”
[Featured Image by Peter Kramer/Getty Images For MSKCC]