If you watched the 2017 Emmy Awards on Sunday night, then you know why Fox & Friends are noting the major changes in the Emmy venue over the past few years in their discussion on Monday morning. President Trump was turned into a “political pinata,” suggests Steve Doocy. The curvy couch hosts also suggest that this venue, which once honored actors for excelling in their craft, is now more like a political event.
Kate McKinnon, who took home the Emmy for Best Supporting Actress In a Comedy Series for her work on Saturday Night Live, offered up a good example of this political invasion in her acceptance speech. This is her second Emmy after playing Hillary Clinton in the last two seasons of the show.
When approaching the stage, McKinnon was very emotional and she became even more so once she was handed the Emmy. According to Uprox , with Emmy in hand and after saying that her gig on Saturday Night Live is the “most meaningful thing I will ever do,” she started to thank people in her life.
McKinnon said, “On a very personal note I want to say thank you to Hillary Clinton for your grace and grit and thank you to my mother and sister, I’m so proud of you mom, I love you.” Fox & Friends noted the fact that McKinnon thanked Hillary before thanking her own mother, pointing out just how much the Emmys have changed. It is now looking more like a political venue than one that honors the craft of acting.
Deadline reports that despite the Handmaiden’s Tale being the big winner of the night, it was Donald Trump who was in the spotlight more so than the winning shows and actors.
“Donald Trump’s overkill stains Stephen Colbert’s hosting debut,” writes Deadline.
Fox & Friends pointed out on Monday morning that these people on the stage play the role of other people and that is how they make a living. They are not politicians, yet for some reason, they’ve taken on the role of some strange politics by bashing the man who sits in the office of the president of the United States.
Mark Steyn, who is an author and columnist, was a guest on Fox & Friends Monday morning and he commented on the clip of McKinnon thanking Hillary before her own mom. He wondered how McKinnon’s mother felt about that. If the masses noted that Hillary got top recognition over this actress’s mother, then McKinnon’s mom also had to notice. The praise of Hillary at the Emmy Awards gave way to the polar opposite for Donald Trump, who was dragged through the mud in an “overkill” on this awards show.
The many Trump jabs that were thrown out by anyone who happened to get in front of the microphone was “overkill” and turned the 2017 Emmys into one big political event, according to Fox & Friends. The morning show also reported that people are growing very tired of this, which is evident in the lowest ratings ever that the Emmy Awards show pulled in last year. According to Newsweek , since 2013, the Emmys have shown a decline in viewers each year, with 2016 bringing the lowest ratings ever. Last year the ratings for the Emmys really tanked and this year they look even bleaker , reports Earn the Necklace.
[Featured Image by Jordan Strauss/AP Images]