One Piece is one of the longest-running manga and anime series in history, spanning a two-decade run that appears to show no signs of stopping. In a recent interview, Weekly Sh?nen Jump editor-in-chief Hiroyuki Nakano revealed that One Piece creator Eiichiro Oda already has an idea for the potential ending for the series.
According to Nakano, there is no certainty yet as to when the One Piece manga would end. For now, the series has already released 86 volumes. Nakano explained that because of the increasing popularity of the series in Japan the storyline has become longer by accident, Comicbook reported. Oda has allegedly tried to end the manga as early as possible, but One Piece likely won’t see its end soon.
Nakano said that Oda has already envisioned his plans for the ending of One Piece but that it is subject to change due to the fact that the storyline and the plot might change over time. “It all depends on the situation,” Nakano said.
Furthermore, Nakano revealed that they are already discussing what they’re going to do for the 30th anniversary of One Piece , which means it’s likely the series will continue through 2027.
Meanwhile, One Piece is set to debut a new opening theme titled “Hope,” which will be performed by Japanese singer Nami Amuro. This isn’t Amuro’s first time doing a song for the hit anime series. Her song, “Fight Together,” was used as the 14th opening theme song for the show. Her song “Black Make Up” was chosen as the ending theme song for the two-hour One Piece special titled Adventure of Nebulandia.
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— ONE (@OPcom_info) September 11, 2017
According to Anime News Network , “Hope” will make its debut as the new opening theme on October 1 during the premiere of the special one-hour episode, which is titled Sorrowful Duel Luffy vs. Sanji.
The official One Piece YouTube channel has rolled out a new promotional video for the anime series’ upcoming one-hour special. The trailer features betrayals among friends and also teases the battle with Sanji, which is the climactic event of the Whole Cake Island Arc.
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— ONE (@OPcom_info) September 15, 2017
In this episode, Luffy finally catches up with Sanji, his former crewmate. However, the reunion isn’t quite as happy as expected as Sanji is no longer the friend Luffy knew him to be. While he was away, Sanji was forced into an arranged marriage. Because Sanji has embraced his royal lineage, he has become arrogant and now speaks poorly of his former crewmates. Luffy takes offense in this and it leads them both to a heated duel.
The One Piece special will air on October 1.
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