Jeremy Lindholm’s girlfriend called 911 and requested the police bring a Taser and tranquilizers after claiming she endured violence at the hands of the actor over the past four days. She apparently wasn’t exaggerating, as the Twin Peaks and Z Nation actor prompted a few more 911 calls from people who witnessed his violent attack after the girlfriend managed to flee the house.
Lindholm’s girlfriend was “very distraught” during the 911 call, telling the dispatcher that she “barely got out of her apartment to be able to call the cops from a store.” She claimed she had endured four days of beatings in their home , as he wouldn’t let her leave, according to Fox News.
She was asked if her boyfriend had any weapons, and she replied, “No, just his hands.”
She told the operator that Lindholm had kicked and slapped her and that she had bruises. The unnamed girlfriend also deemed Lindholm, 41, as being “very violent.”
The woman warned the cops that they should “come ready to take him down” and suggested they come equipped with a Taser and tranquilizers to do so. The girlfriend fled her apartment and went to a lingerie store. It sounds as if she is employed at this store because the owner of the store referred to the woman as “her employee” when she made the next 911 call about this incident in Spokane, Washington.
‘Twin Peaks’ Actor Jeremy Lindholm 911 Call, GF Told Cops ‘Bring Tasers and Tranquilizers’
— TMZ (@TMZ) September 15, 2017
While the police were on their way, the 911 operator got another call, but this time it was from the store owner. Lindholm had followed his girlfriend to the store, and he had a baseball bat. When he came into the store and approached his girlfriend, the owner of the boutique made a call to 911. She also made an urgent plea for help to the 911 operator.
What the store owner said on the call is written below.
“I need you guys to come now, like, he has a bat. I guess they were having a fight… my employee and her boyfriend… he just walked in and grabbed the bat.”
The woman on the phone with the 911 dispatcher then ran out of the store when Lindholm started yelling at her. It was then that a third 911 call came in, this time from a breathless passerby. This woman caller said that there’s “some guy beating up a girl” inside the store, which was the third 911 call recorded.
She also adds “Oh my God” when quietly relaying what she is seeing to the person on the other end of this 911 call.
Girlfriend of Twins Peak actor Jeremy Lindholm 911 call @MailOnline
— Rebellious Hellcat (@HornigCynthia) September 15, 2017
When police arrived, Lindholm ran out of the store, with cops giving chase behind him. They cornered him in an alley, where he surrendered without incident, according to Fox News.
Lindholm was seen on the surveillance cameras at the 420 Lingerie Boutique brutally beating and choking his girlfriend. He was also seen hitting her with the baseball bat more than a dozen times on that video. He was beating her with the bat in the head and body on this surveillance video footage, reports Fox News. The victim later told the cops that Lindholm threatened to kill her at that time.
Actor Jeremy Lindholm — who recently appeared on an episode of “Twin Peaks: The Return” — is accused of viciously…
— Missions Possible (@PHMPAMERICA) August 19, 2017
While this happened back on August 16, it wasn’t until yesterday that TMZ was able to obtain the 911 audio, which really offers the extreme details of the case. Lindholm was booked on second-degree attempted murder charges, a second-degree assault charge, and an unlawful imprisonment charge. He is being held a the Spokane County Jail on $100,000 bail.
The producer of the Syfy hit show Z Nation told reporters that he would follow Lindholm’s trial, and if convicted of these charges, he will no longer appear on Z Nation . Producer Steven Grahm also conveyed how the folks at Z Nation were “shocked and concerned for the family.”
He said, “Jeremy has been very active in the film community here. We really only know him by his work and he’s done good work for us.”
{Featured Image by Eric Charbonneau/AP Images]