After skipping the first Friday of Destiny 2 to give players a chance to level up and collect in-game currency, Xur finally showed his wormy face Friday and he is easy to find. The Agent of the Nine has a starter set of Exotic armor combined with power Fusion Rifle.
Destiny 2 players will want to open their Game Director upon loading into the game and choose Nessus as their destination. Xur has an easy to spot marker on the Nessus map in the “Watcher’s Grave” area, making him much easier to find than he ever was in Destiny 1 . Simply select the marker, then the nearby fast travel spot, and you’ll find the mysterious vendor hiding in a tree not far from the spawn point.
Another nice change for Xur is he will hang around for a while longer. The Bungie site has him scheduled to leave Tuesday, September 19. He will likely take off when the weekly reset rolls around, which is a huge improvement over him disappearing early Sunday mornings.
As for his Xur’s wares, they may be slightly disappointing depending on your current progress in Destiny 2 . He is offering up the starting Exotic armor players can pick up during the story campaign – Raiden Flux for Hunters, Doom Fang Pauldron for Titans, and Wings of Sacred Dawn for Warlocks. The good news is the Power Level of the gear being offered scales with the player’s current Power Level up to 270.
The Raiden Flux chest armor is for Arcstrider Hunters. The “Synapse Junctions” intrinsic perk gives the Arc Staff increased damage output and duration with quick successive attacks.
The Doom Fang Pauldron gauntlets for Sentinel Titans is easy to spot piece thanks to the giant horns coming down from the shoulders. The “Horns of Doom” intrinsic perk recharges the subclasses Shield Throw with melee kills plus it also recharges the Sentinel Super Shield.
The Wings of Sacred Dawn chest armor will allow Dawnbreaker Warlocks to hover in the air longer. The “Tome of Dawn” intrinsic perk will suspend players in midair for a short time when aiming down sights.
Purchasing these could help a player get the Power Level of their current character up a little more quickly than grinding Public Events. It will definitely help with any alternate characters that are just getting started or have not been started yet.
Meanwhile, the Merciless Exotic Fusion Rifle is the highlight of the week. The weapon is a damage machine against thanks to the “Conserve Momentum” perk. This causes the weapon to charge faster until a kill is earned, which is great to burn down mini-bosses and bosses in Destiny 2 .
[Featured Image by Bungie]