Yuri On Ice movie was announced at an event back in April which made a lot of fans happy and concerned at the same time. With the movie coming out soon, many are worried that the chance to see Yuri On Ice Season 2 on the small screen may not be happening in the near future. However, a report claims that the highly-anticipated sequel to the mega-hit Japanese sports anime television series may be slated before the year ends.
The first season of Yuri On Ice instantly became everyone’s obsession, so many were expecting that a sequel will be launching as soon as possible to keep the hype going. But months have already passed after the finale and fans are still waiting for the official announcement of the Yuri On Ice Season 2 release date.
Clearly, the story of Yuri Katsuki, Victor Nikiforov, Yuri a.k.a. Yurio Plisetsky and the rest of the cast are definitely far from over. But now that the creators are focusing their time and effort on the upcoming Yuri On Ice movie, Yuri On Ice Season 2 is expected to be off the priority list for now.
But before fans will start to worry about the sequel’s fate, the show’s creator, Mitsuro Kubo, has already shown interest in making Yuri On Ice Season 2 in earlier reports, stating that she is ready to make a new installment.
“I have a lot of plans in the works with the director for [2017]… including the wish to create a sequel. So I’m doing my best and working hard for that reason.”
Although Mitsuro Kubo has not mentioned anything about the Yuri On Ice Season 2 release date yet, a report shared that one of the members of the creative team has mentioned that there is a big possibility that the much-awaited sequel will finally be released in October of this year. However, just like most of the Yuri On Ice Season 2 air date rumors, this has not been confirmed yet.
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????4DX ??????? https://t.co/XI3h4ZzZjU #yurionice pic.twitter.com/e3Jacf9LtJ
— TV???????!!! on ICE? (@yurionice_PR) August 25, 2017
Meanwhile, fans are hoping that Yuri On Ice Season 2 will provide more insights about Yuri Katsuki and Victor Nikiforov’s relationship. While the viewers still want the sequel to be all about ice skating and its positive and negative effects on Yuri’s life, they do know more about his personal life , especially when it comes to love.
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— ???!!! on ICE ???? (@sagaonice2017) July 27, 2017