BB19 spoilers from Episode 27 include another eviction by the house. It’s Big Brother 19 recap time again, with spoilers from the August 24 episode including how the house decided on its eviction target, what the vote was at the Eviction Ceremony, and who would be joining Cody Nickson and Elena Davies on the BB19 jury. This Episode 28 recap comes from a live CBS presentation on Thursday, August 24, at 9 p.m. PT/ET.
To recap what had taken place in the BB19 house before this point, Christmas Abbott became the Head of Household after winning the competition late last Thursday night (August 17). Christmas nominated Jason Dent and Matt Clines for eviction but made it very obvious that her primary target was Mark Jansen. When Jason won the Power of Veto and then took himself off the block, Christmas put Mark in his place. During the August 24 Big Brother 19 episode, either Mark Jansen or Jason Dent would join the BB19 jury.
The first chunk of Episode 27 was showing how the alliances in the house were working and how Paul Abrahamian had worked out agreements with all of them. Paul was doing a great job at playing the alliances against each other without any of them figuring out what was going on. This meant that if he was able to convince the rest of the BB19 cast to vote out Mark Jansen, he would no longer have any significant obstacles to winning the $500,000 prize.
#FriendshipGoals #BB19
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 25, 2017
There was a lot of filler during the August 24 Big Brother 19 episode, as host Julie Chen showed the remaining houseguests some clips and asked them questions about the past week. A segment was also spent on Jason Dent’s family as they reacted to him learning he was about to have another child with his wife. Those BB19 spoilers were revealed to viewers in the last episode, but had been known on the CBS live feeds for a few additional days. Jason’s wife also approved of Alex Ow being his “show wife” because she was keeping him in check.
Do you think #BBPaul will keep flying under the radar? RT if you do. Fav if you don’t. #BB19
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 25, 2017
At the Eviction Ceremony, Mark Jansen and Matt Clines gave good speeches and it was then time to do the voting. Raven Walton, Josh Martinez, Kevin Schlehuber, and Paul Abrahamian voted to evict Mark. Alex Ow and Jason Dent voted to evict Matt. The split in the votes was an interesting wrinkle to the episode, possibly involving some posturing for BB19 jury votes, but Mark got evicted 4-2.
Mark Jansen spoke with host Julie Chen about what he had done wrong this season, including aligning himself with the wrong people. He had a lot of positive things to say about Josh Martinez, despite the adversarial relationship they had for a while. After he watched videos from the cast members saying positive things to and about him, the Head of Household Competition began in the backyard. It is an endurance competition, though, so the HOH winner wouldn’t be revealed till later.
That brings an end to the August 24 Big Brother 19 recap, but not to the BB19 spoilers that will come out this evening. Another report by the Inquisitr will present live updates on the endurance challenge as it plays out on the live feeds. That will provide even more Big Brother 19 spoilers and set the stage for the next round of moves in the house.
[Featured Image by Bill Inoshita/CBS]