Halloween is the one time of year that people can dress up in every sort of costume and not get strange looks from anyone, but places such as Walt Disney World have some rules to follow. On Friday, Aug. 25, 2017, Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party begins at Magic Kingdom and it will be loaded with a lot of fun while guests are encouraged to dress in fun costumes. Even though Disney is allowing costumes for the parties, there are some guidelines and rules to secure entry into the park.
Throughout the year, Disney does not allow anyone 14-years-old or older to wear a costume in any of their theme parks. For the parties, though, WDW does allow guests of all ages to dress up in costumes, as stated on the official page for the MNSSHP.
Now, even though everyone is allowed to wear costumes to the Halloween parties, there are still rules in place and Disney has spelled out their costume guidelines for all to understand. For those looking to attend a party this year, make sure your costume fits these guidelines or you could be denied entry into Magic Kingdom.
Yes, it is possible that if your costume is not appropriate, you may not be allowed into the party unless you change.
Disney states that guests 13 and under may wear masks as long as the eyes are visible and the mask doesn’t cover the entire face.
Guests who are 14 and older may not wear masks of any kind.
It has been stated before by Disney that items such as a Star Wars toy lightsaber or toy sword can be brought into the parks. The company sells them in a number of locations and they will be allowed to be brought into MNSSHP.
As for other kinds of toy weapons, Disney states that “weapons of any kind, objects that appear to be weapons or toy guns” are not allowed into the park. Due to heightened security measures a few years ago, the parks even stopped selling all toy guns of any kind.
As for the costumes as a whole, these have the most rules that need to be followed:
- Capes are allowed to be worn if they do not go further down than the waist.
- Costumes cannot go to the ground or drag on the ground at all.
- Layered costumes surrounding the entire body could result in additional security screening but aren’t exactly prohibited.
With Disney saying they reserve the right to deny entry to anyone based on their discretion, please note that dressing in a costume very similar to a Disney character could result in not being allowed into the party. If you are dressed too similar to a Disney Princess or Disney Villain (basically any human character), you may be denied entry or asked to change.
If you are allowed into the park with dress similar to a Disney character, you may be given additional instructions such as not to sign autographs or take pictures with other guests.
If you are wearing a costume to MNSSHP that you believe may test the lines of the rules, bring a change of clothes with you. Disney does reserve “the right to deny admission to or remove any person wearing attire that is considered inappropriate or attire that could detract from the experience of other guests.”
Should you be denied entry in the costume you’re wearing, you will be allowed in if you change into something acceptable. Having that change of clothes with you means you won’t have to go back to your resort room and spend a lot of time traveling to change.
There is so much fun to be had during Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party in Magic Kingdom that you’ll find it difficult to take everything in. Still, you can enjoy all you can in the time you have and do it in an awesome costume of your choosing. Some may not like the rules and guidelines that Disney has in place, but they have their reasons for them. Just abide by them and you shouldn’t have anything but a spooky good time.
[Featured Image by Danny Cox]