Donald Trump HUD Sec Ben Carson Downplays Charlottesville, Has House Vandalized With Anti-Trump Grafitti
After Donald Trump HUD Secretary Ben Carson downplayed Trump’s comments on Charlottesville and neo-Nazis as “little squabbles,” his Virginia home was vandalized with graffiti. Carson agrees with Trump that the issue is not just with White Supremacists and neo-Nazis, but also with those protesting them. Carson believes that the push back over Trump’s comments are”being blown out of proportion.” Ben Carson agrees with Trump’s assessment that white nationalist hate groups should be equated with counter-protesters.
In the midst of outrage by many over Donald Trump’s speech, Ben Carson posted on Facebook that the blame for the issues in Charlottesville should be spread across all groups.
“Let us pray for those killed and injured during the unrest in Charlottesville today, but also for our nation as it is being severely threatened by hatred and bigotry on all sides.”
Earlier this week Dr. Ben Carson toured parts of Louisiana affected by flooding and spoke out on Trump’s behalf about the racism and bigotry that caused the marches in Charlottesville and elsewhere. Carson served as an apologist for Trump, saying he is unclear as to why people aren’t understanding that both sides are to blame for the violence in Virginia.
“When he [Trump] talks about the fact that hatred and bigotry and these things are unacceptable, he’s talking about everybody. … You’d think he was saying that hatred and bigotry are unacceptable except by neo-Nazis. We really have got to begin to think more logically and stop trying to stir up controversy and start concentrating on the issues that threaten us and threaten our children.”
Trump HUD Secretary Ben Carson blames the media in particular for blowing Trump’s comments “out of proportion” in terms of selecting out certain comments. Carson is accusing the media of being one of the sources of division in the country.
“We all have to recognize that there are other things that are important here and don’t get caught up in these little squabbles and blow them out of proportion.”
But after Ben Carson’s comments supporting Trump, Carson’s Virginia home was vandalized allegedly by those with an anti-Trump message. Ben Carson returned to Facebook to share that his home was vandalized and covered with “hateful rhetoric.” Carson said that he understands that the events of the past week have spurred a lot of anger, but people need to move on.
“Our house was toilet-papered and then they had painted ‘F Trump’ on it, as well.”
Carson chastised those who have “reacted poorly” to the neo-Nazi and White power protests saying that they need to control their reaction.
“You can’t necessarily control the animosity and hatred of someone else. But, you can control how you react.”
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Ben Carson explains that as a man of color, he has experienced racism and has always found that it is best to take the high road. He says that when he lived in rural Maryland, a neighbor put up a Confederate flag. Carson says that he and his family continued to be respectful of that neighbor, and the two became friendly soon after.
No arrests have been made in the vandalism of Trump HUD Secretary Ben Carson’s Virginia home, though Carson insists it is anti-Trump protestors.
Are you surprised that Trump HUD Secretary Ben Carson is backing Trump’s speech about blaming both sides in the Charlottesville events?
[Featured Image by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images]