If the amount of merchandise you have to offer in your online store indicates your chances for becoming the next president of the nation, then Elizabeth Warren would win hands down. But in America, you can offer thousands of items and even if all of them come with a cute little motto, it doesn’t get you any closer to the White House. First, Warren needs to merchandise her way to success for her 2018 run to keep her Senate seat.
It looks like Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren has created an online merchandising empire , according to Politico . She has some unusual items to sell you, that is if you support her political career. While her attempt to stay in the Senate comes with an election in 2018, it looks like she may be gearing up for a 2020 run at the White House.
According to Adam Greene, who is the founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, said that it is impossible to estimate what she’s bringing in with many of the items sold online on sites like Etsy. Her handlers declined to offer how much of the stuff she has sold through her website, which hosts its own online store.
One thing that can be said for sure is that “no other senator has anything like it,” suggests Politico . According to Fox & Friends on Monday morning, she has already sold out of her temporary tattoos with the slogan “Nevertheless, she’s persisted.” This was created from Mitch McConnell’s words that admonished Warren earlier this year while he was on the Senate floor. “Nevertheless she’s persisted” went viral after the Senate Majority Leader offered it up.
Inside the Elizabeth Warren merchandising empire: Action figures. Temporary tattoos. Coloring books: https://t.co/R8ix21Qc4a pic.twitter.com/MjcrrJi4s7
— POLITICO (@politico) August 14, 2017
According to MassLive back in April, Warren’s campaign started to utilize McConnell’s words that were aimed at Warren. It has become her slogan for her 2018 re-election campaign. That “Nevertheless, she persisted” sentence was meant to “shush” Warren up, but instead it gave her plenty of fuel for her 2018 campaign as a new meme.
It was in the Senate back in February when Warren insisted and persisted to read a 1986 letter from Coretta Scott King that criticized Senator Jeff Sessions, who was Trump’s nominee for attorney general at the time.
McConnell had tried to stop her from reading that letter. There’s a rule in the Senate against criticizing fellow lawmakers, which was his explanation after his attempt at silencing the tenacious Warren. At the time, McConnell said the following.
“She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted.”
Warren’s camp members were quick to jump on this “Nevertheless, she persisted” for merchandising because this sentence went so viral. The first was a boxing-glove motif on a T-Shirt. According to Warren’s campaign, 20,000 of those T-Shirts have been sold and at $24.99 each, Politico translated that into about a half-million in sales. While women started to get the real-deal tattoos of her new motto (as seen in the tweet below), the temporary ones were the way many others went. So, much so, that they are sold-out right now.
Women organize matching tattoos and stand in solidarity with Sen. Elizabeth Warren. #j3101sp17 https://t.co/MN7onq13AJ
— Tom Lally (@Tom_Lally21) February 22, 2017
“Nevertheless, she persisted” was the slogan written across pink hats that are also on the sold-out list. That $24.99 seems like a popular monetary amount, as the hats also held that price tag. The campaign wouldn’t give up the number of hats and temporary tattoos sold.
Along with her $9.99 temporary tattoos selling out, there are also other items that have sold out completely. It looks like Warren’s campaign trinkets are a hot commodity today. That tattoo is done up in her own handwriting, so she was on board with that item from the get-go. Warren’s prayer candles are going for $12.
Warren hasn’t limited herself to the typical campaign swag for sale, she has “bracelets, bodysuits, coffee mugs, laptop decals, signs, portraits, cross-stitch patterns, phone cases, coasters and wine glasses, among other things,” cites Politico .
‘Nevertheless, she persisted’ temporary tattoos and mugs now on sale at Elizabeth Warren’s online store. https://t.co/xZrMqu1Kwm pic.twitter.com/dvVLZTnS9f
— masslivenews (@masslivenews) April 28, 2017
The enthusiasm around Warren’s merchandise translates into supporters for her 2018 campaign and possibly a 2020 run for the president. Who knew that a Warren action figure would be so popular? FCTRY.com spokeswoman Erica Chon said the following about that action figure.
“She is the most popular product in our online store.”
The Brooklyn-based product design company expects that sales of Warren’s action figure to remain strong through the next year.
Not only does this merchandise get her name and image out there, but it is also successful when raising funds. These aren’t cheap little trinkets as you can tell by some of the sticker prices quoted above in the article.
[Featured Image by Evan El-Amin/Shutterstock]