Discovery Channel has canceled the series American Guns , a reality show that follows a family of gun makers in Colorado. In the wake of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary , the show’s Facebook and Twitter pages were inundated with comments calling for the show to be taken off the air.
One person tweeted, “With Discovery shows like ‘Sons of Guns’, ‘American Guns’, ‘Ted Nugent’s Gun Country’ etc it’s not surprising how guns r seen as acceptable.”
Another person wrote on Facebook, “I know you all have to make money but would Discovery Channel PLEASE consider ceasing to broadcast the show in the U.K.? Sadly your program makes buying/owning guns seem fun, glamorous, even normal.”
Supporters of the show were unhappy with Discovery Channel’s decision. One person wrote:
“Seriously sad to see this show was cancelled. Here was a show that rarely showcased ‘assault rifles’ more concentrated on high end weapons. Never once was the objective to ‘shoot’ someone or to have killings like, oh say, how Hollywood does. The Wyatt family were a great family that showed respect, taught history, and business values.”
Another supporter wrote , “ I never watched the show, but it’s a travesty that the show be cancelled because of the actions of a lunatic. Discovery will be hearing from me about this, I will no longer watch their crap channel.”
A Discovery Channel representative told Fox411 that the show had been canceled and would not be returning for a third season. However, the representative would not verify or deny that the show had been canceled because of the shooting.
Do you think Discovery Channel should have canceled American Guns , or was this a “knee jerk reaction”?