A school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut has been reported, and “multiple victims” are said to have been wounded.
UPDATE, 10:59 AM: Police say the Newtown school shooting no longer involves an “active shooter,” suggesting the situation has been stabilized.
Although the Washington Post and numerous other outlets have confirmed the school shooting in Newtown, little is known about the scope of the incident in the Connecticut school.
ABC says reports of the Newtown school shooting have not been confirmed by the district and adds:
“The school superintendent’s office says the district has locked down schools as a preventive measure to ensure the safety of students and staff. The superintendent’s secretary, Kathy June, says reports of a shooting are not confirmed.”
Multiple eyewitness reports on Twitter on the ground in Newtown say that at least one child, age unavailable, has been carried from the school and appeared to be “seriously wounded” after the possible shooting.
Local news site the Newtown Bee carried the most detailed report of the shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, saying:
“State and Newtown police, ambulance, and emergency response personnel responded to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shortly after 9:30 am, Friday, following reports of a shooting. One child was carried from the school by a police officer, apparently seriously wounded… The other children in the school are exiting the school under state police protection.”
According to the Newtown Bee, all schools in the area are on lockdown.
Below, an image of elementary school children being evacuated from the Newtown school shooting:
Local paper the Hartford Courant reports that dozens of state policemen are on scene and has a bit more detail about the Newtown school shooting and the situation unfolding at Sandy Hook Elementary. The paper explains:
“There are unconfirmed reports of two shooters — one dead, one still at large… Shortly after 9:40 a.m., police reported that a shooter was in the main office of the school. A person in one room had ‘numerous gunshot wounds,’ police said.”
The Courant continues:
“Groups of students — some crying, some holding hands — were being escorted away from the school by their teachers. Some students were still in the school at 10:30 a.m., parents said.”
As information on the reported shooting in Newtown, Connecticut is reported, this post will be updated.
[Newtown school shooting]RT @kentonpierce: FBI swat team just arrived at Sandy Hook School.
— Matthew Keys (@TheMatthewKeys) December 14, 2012
First image of students being evacuated after reported shooting at Newtown, CT school (via @ thenewtownbee ) bit.ly/SWgwx9
— lou_dubois (@lou_dubois) December 14, 2012