Shroud Of Turin Has Blood Spatter From 2,000 Years Ago, Possibly Jesus Christ, Experts Say

Experts say the Shroud of Turin is stained with the blood of a torture victim, backing claims that the linen cloth was used to bury Jesus Christ after he was crucified.

Elvio Carlino, a researcher at the Institute of Crystallography in Italy speaking to the Christian Post pointed out that the cloth contained blood particles not synonymous with the blood of a healthy person. The researcher said the tiny particles suggested that the person wrapped in the funeral cloth had suffered greatly and died a brutal death.

Professor Giulio Fanti of the University of Padua buttressed the point even further, adding that the blood particles showed high levels of ferritin and creatinine, substances found in people who have been subjected to forceful traumas like torture or violent deaths.

The breakthrough research was conducted by Italy’s National Research Council as well as the Department of Industrial Engineering from the University of Pardua. The Shroud of Turin is three meters in length and about a meter in width and faintly depicts a stained image of a man many Christians believe is Jesus Christ.

The relic has gone through a slew of tests to confirm its authenticity, including radiocarbon measurements as far back as 1988. This led experts to conclude that the cloth was manufactured between 1260-1390 A.D. Further tests revealed fibers on the cloth that were not originally part of the shroud. In 2015, researchers confirmed that the dust and pollen particles on the cloth showed it had changed hands across the world.

“According to legend, the shroud moved around quite a bit from Jerusalem to Turkey to France and to its final resting place in Turin, Italy. The DNA evidence confirms that many different people, from many different places, got their hands on or near the shroud.”

The shroud has been the subject of intense scrutiny with some people deeming it a fake.

However, new findings published in U.S. scientific journal PlosOne, in an article entitled “New Biological Evidence from Atomic Resolution Studies on the Turin Shroud,” pointed out that there was no evidence thus far to suggest that the shroud was a phony.

These findings oppose claims that the shroud was forged during medieval times, 100s of years after the death of Jesus.

Professor Fanti, speaking to the Daily Mail further contradicting the claims, revealed that particles could not have been imposed on the fabric that had been confirmed as more than 1,000 years old without him knowing. He added that that the revolutionary method of electron microscopy had linked the blood particles to the time that Jesus Christ was crucified. The university professor said the nano-particles on the linen cloth were of a particular structure, size, and division, suggesting a traumatic death for the person wrapped inside it.

Blood particles linked to an individual who died a violent death. [Image by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images]

“The presence of these biological nano-particles found by our experiments point to a violent death for the man wrapped in the Turin Shroud.”

The Shroud of Turin is presently displayed at St. John the Baptist Cathedral in Turin, Italy, and is believed to be the burial cloth of Jesus of Nazareth when he died more than 2,000 years ago. After he was crucified, he was sealed in a burial tomb before rising three days after. A mention of the discarded linen cloth is mentioned in the books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke in the Bible.

[Featured Image by L’ Osservatore Romano/Pool/Fotolia/AP Images]

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