Jill Duggar announced her second pregnancy late last year. She was excited to make her son Israel a big brother and be pregnant alongside her sister, Jessa Duggar, once again. Jill and Derick Dillard didn’t announce the official due date, but they did allude to July being the month their new addition would arrive. Earlier this year, Duggar revealed that her baby was another boy. This was exciting news as Jessa also had a baby boy earlier this year. Both sisters would have two little boys running around together.
Fans of Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard have been waiting on the announcement of their baby. In fact, “baby watch” has been happening for a little over a week now. According to the official website for the Dillard family, Jill Duggar gave birth to her son earlier this afternoon. She had already revealed his name to be Samuel Scott several weeks ago. His stats were impressive, weighing in at a little over nine and a half pounds and being 22 inches long. Duggar was reportedly in labor for 40 hours before having to have a c-section at the hospital. It appears mom and baby are doing well despite the medical intervention needed.
News of Jill Duggar’s c-section delivery isn’t shocking to fans who have been following the family. She had to have an emergency c-section with her first son, Israel. Jill has been insistent on having natural births, but her body has other plans. Right now, the update regarding Samuel’s arrival was vague. Only a few sentences were shared to announce his birth as it just happened a few hours ago. The first pictures will likely emerge within a day or two, depending on how Duggar is feeling with her recovery.
There is some concern about future children for Jill and Derick Dillard. After numerous c-sections, getting pregnant again is risky. Right now, she is two for two, which aren’t great odds for having a family like the Duggars have. Jill has openly talked about wanting several children, especially because she comes from a family with 19 children. It is unclear whether or not her latest adventure was filmed for the Counting On cameras. Fans are hoping Duggar and baby Dillard are doing well following his arrival.
[Featured Image by Derick Dillard/Twitter ]