It appears that handshake gate is in full play once more. Days after the Indian Prime Minister hugged “germaphobe” President Donald Trump when Trump went for a handshake, and weeks after it appeared that First Lady Melania Trump avoided holding President Trump’s hand , as reported by the Inquisitr , more videos involving Trump’s hands are going viral. President Trump appeared to be curved, as they say in the Urban Dictionary, when it appeared that President Trump’s handshake was rejected or ignored by First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda of Poland, as seen in the below videos.
Melania might have won praise for her bold choice of a Delpozo dress when meeting with First Lady Agata, but Kornhauser-Duda’s apparent move that found her either ignoring or not seeing President Trump’s extended hand is getting plenty of attention online. Social media users are comparing the Agata incident to the time that President Donald Trump initially did not shake the hand of German Chancellor Angela Merkel , with the duo eventually engaging in a handshake that sent the “ Trump-Merkel handshake ” news buzzing on social media.
Now, Agata is getting a buzz on Twitter, with Twitter users already calling Kornhauser-Duda their hero. As seen in the following videos, President Trump and Melania spoke to President Andrzej Duda of Poland in Krasinski Square, in Warsaw, Poland, on Thursday, July 6.
#Trump left hanging when President #Duda ‘s wife Agata Kornhauser-Duda walks past him as he tries to shake her hand.
— Dr. Jeffrey Guterman (@JeffreyGuterman) July 6, 2017
It appeared to be a much different scenario with President Trump when he spoke with Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, as seen in the below photo. The duo could be seen upon the arrival for a group photo before the Three Seas Initiative Alliance roundtable in Warsaw.
However, it is First Lady Agata’s name that is getting a constant stream of tweets on the social media platform at the moment. Certain folks on Twitter are calling Agata their hero for appearing to ignore President Trump’s handshake offer.
Memes are being created and compared to the Agata handshake fail on Twitter. However, despite the move being praised or criticized by certain people who assume that First Lady Agata intentionally ignored President Trump’s handshake, others are giving the Polish president’s wife the benefit of the doubt and writing that Agata’s handshake snub was not intentional.
Why thank you Agata Kornhauser-Duda #trump #poland #standuptotrump
— Dr Tammy Boyce (@tamboyce) July 6, 2017
[Featured Image by Alik Keplicz/AP Images]