In order to keep things a bit more organized and to make sure that all non-party guests are out of Magic Kingdom by the time Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party begins this year, things are going to change. Magic Kingdom is going to close off some parts of the park earlier for non-party guests as a way to make sure that those attending the party are the only ones around when it all begins at 7 p.m.
In past years, guests who did not have tickets to Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party would have to start leaving Magic Kingdom at 7 p.m. That is when the party events were to begin even though those with party tickets could enter the park at 4 p.m.
Due to some issues in the past with congestion piling up with party guests arriving and non-party guests leaving, Disney is changing things up this year. As reported by WDWNT , Magic Kingdom is going to essentially close to non-party guests at 6 p.m. on nights when there is a Christmas party.
Non-party guests will still be able to shop in the stores and dine, but they won’t be able to ride any attractions. Also, Magic Kingdom will not allow any non-party guests at the front entrance of the park past 6 p.m.
Guests attending Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party will still get wristbands to differentiate who is set to be in the park after 7 p.m. and who isn’t. The difference for this year is that guests without wristbands won’t have much to do after 6 p.m. in Magic Kingdom and Disney feels this is a way to help empty the park out quicker on party nights.
Here are the 2017 dates for Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party.
- November 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 26, and 28
- December 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, and 22
Everything else will run as normal for daily guests in Magic Kingdom without party tickets.
Disney has not yet given an official word or announcement on this change which means anything could still be altered. For now, it does not look as if this new party procedure at Magic Kingdom will be in place for Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party .
Fans will still have to wait as more details emerge on wristband and entrance procedures for the Christmas parties. As time draws closer to the holiday season, more details and instructions are likely to be announced.
Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party is something that so many people look forward to every single year and 2017 is no different. Walt Disney World is a lot of fun at Christmas and the parties at Magic Kingdom make things that much better. This year, Disney is looking to make the transition a little bit easier on party nights, and that is the primary reason for the earlier closing time for daily guests on evenings when MVMCP takes place.
[Featured Image by Danny Cox]