Miley Cyrus’ younger brother, Braison Cyrus, recently walked in his first runway show for Dolce & Gabbana at the Milan fashion show. Like the proud sister she is, the singer took to Instagram to post a photo of her brother with a touching message, which apparently had to include a shout out to D&G’s “politics.”
Dolce & Gabbana is known for dressing up the First Lady, which may be the root of Cyrus’ disagreement with the brand. In her caption, she wrote that she strongly disagrees with D&G as the brand seems to actively support Melania Trump.
While Miley included in a positive message for Dolce & Gabbana for giving young artists, like Braison, a chance to shine in the catwalk, the co-founder was offended due to the “Malibu” singer’s allegations that the brand was involved in politics. Stefano Gabbana commented, “Ignorant” in her post and later on called the post stupid.
“For your stupid comment never more work with him,” he said, adding two heart emojis at the end.
He then reposted Miley’s Instagram post and added an equally lengthy caption. The designer slammed Cyrus for accusing them of being involved in politics. According to Gabbana, they do not care about politics, especially about the “American one.”
“We make dresses and if you think about doing politics with a post it’s simply ignorant. We don’t need your posts or comments so next time please ignore us!!”
He then sarcastically added the hashtag “#boycottdolcegabbana” with a handful of laughing emojis.
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According to Yahoo , other designers, like Marc Jacobs and Sophie Theallet, have refused to dress up Melania Trump to show their opposition to the Trump administration. But Stefano Gabbana, on the other hand, isn’t shy about posting photos of the FLOTUS in his account with the hashtag #DGWoman. At one point, he even compared her to Italian icon Sophia Loren.
@flotus ???????????? #DGWoman ?????? THANK YOU????????????????
A post shared by stefanogabbana (@stefanogabbana) on
Those who are not too keen on President Trump and anyone related to him do not appreciate the brand for doing so launched the hashtag #boycottdolcegabbana. To show that they just do not care, as they made clear to Miley Cyrus, they created a T-shirt line with the hashtag printed on it.
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What do you think? Do you think Miley Cyrus is right and Dolce & Gabbana is involved with American politics? Or do they simply view Melania Trump as a model, which she was?
[Featured Image by Rob Foldy/Getty Images]