On the latest Southern Charm episode that aired on Monday night, Landon Clements threw a party to celebrate the “soft launch” of her travel website, Roam. On one episode last season, viewers saw Landon travel to New York City in hopes of getting a big media backer for her website, only to get turned down by the media executive, who gave his honest opinion that Landon needed to do a lot more work on the website herself before asking others for help. At that point, Landon’s website, which she said will be an online magazine that gives people insider tips on what to see, do and eat in happening places around the world, wasn’t even up and running. Last May, Bravo gave an update on Roam from Landon, who said that she was traveling to destinations for the website and that people could sign up for the email list.
Yet Monday night’s episode seemed to show that Roam was finally a reality, with Landon showing her co-stars, huddled around a laptop, the site. Unfortunately, viewers who tried to access Roam as the episode aired encountered an error message. What happened to Landon’s travel website? Did she abandon it already or was it never up and running to begin with?
As it turns out, Roam is now Trovare. In response to a viewer who asked her what happened to her travel website, Landon explained that they shut it down since they were too many websites with the name Roam. Landon said that the website is now called Trovare , which means “to find” in Italian. Apparently, Landon didn’t research whether there were other websites with that name beforehand.
There were too many Roam sites. We are now called Trovare which means to find in Italian https://t.co/rET8hmTFc1 have a look ?
— Landon Clements (@ClementsLandon) April 11, 2017
Unfortunately for Landon, Trovare encountered some bumps last night. Viewers quickly alerted Landon that they couldn’t access Trovare either. Landon responded that the site did crash and that she thinks something’s being done about it.
The site did crash!!! Thank y’all so much. I think haha we are working on it now…so much love ??? https://t.co/HLUOvCIKa3
— Landon Clements (@ClementsLandon) April 11, 2017
Landon’s friend and business partner, Anna Young Lombardi, tweeted that the website crashed from too much traffic . She thanked people for “breaking the Internet” with them and for their patience as they worked on getting the site back up.
A check on Trovare shows that it now has guides to Boston, Cape Cod, Charleston, Palm Beach, Seattle, Long Island’s North Shore, and Vermont. The website also has featured articles, such as “Spring Beauty Essentials” and “World’s Most Outrageous Suites.” It even features an interview with Landon’s co-star Shep Rose, in which he gives his tips and recommendations for Charleston.
Palm Sunday ???? #ThatOneTime in #PuertoRico @trovareco https://t.co/33JyHSaZiS pic.twitter.com/VpgkgP0Hgn
— Landon Clements (@ClementsLandon) April 9, 2017
Trovare already has its critics. One viewer told Landon that she needs an editor .
Happy you got your blog up but sheesh do you not have access to an editor?! Spelling errors and punctuation mistakes in nearly every post.
— Jessica C. (@seca1985) April 11, 2017
Landon Clements seems to be taking the criticism in stride though. In response to another viewer who joked that Landon’s website only exists in paper, Landon said that she loves paper and thanked the viewer for watching.
That is really cool. I’m old school I will always love paper. Thanks for watching ??
— Landon Clements (@ClementsLandon) April 11, 2017
As viewers saw on the latest Southern Charm episode, it was actually Shep who gave Landon Clements some criticism during her soft launch party. Shep confronted Landon about insulting some friends of his with an app that was looking to work with her. Shep said that they told him that she critiqued their software. Landon countered that their app looked like a dating app and that she doesn’t want to be involved with something that looks like a dating app. Shep accused Landon of having a bad attitude.
“You said that it’s not about money, ‘Wherever I go, everything’s taken care of anyway and I hang out with billionaires, not millionaires.’”
Landon denied ever saying that. Shep continued to lecture Landon on not being willing to “eat s**t” like other entrepreneurs to get their ventures off the ground. When Landon suggested that maybe it was his friends who didn’t treat her right, Shep pointed out that she’s just starting out while they’re already established and that they could maybe help her in the future.
In her confessional interview, Landon pointed out that Shep, whom she actually confessed her love to last season only to be turned down, has never had a job where he had to answer to anyone, yet here he was telling her what to do. She said that he rained on her parade.
Shep’s emoji face at being told Landon loves him. #SouthernCharm recap: https://t.co/WNISXTTvJF pic.twitter.com/qBa5MK84sW
— Liz Farrell (@elizfarrell) June 7, 2016
While Shep Rose said that he was just giving Landon Clements constructive criticism, another one of her Southern Charm co-stars has made it clear that she doesn’t think much of Landon’s travel website. As Landon’s “soft launch” party for Roam, now Trovare, aired, Kathryn Dennis tweeted that she roamed away from the TV from boredom.
I just roamed away from the tv #yawn #southerncharm
— Kathryn C. Dennis (@KathrynDennis) April 11, 2017
[Featured Image via Bravo]