‘The Fate Of The Furious’ To Join The Space Race? Charlize Theron Has Enough To Deal With On Tar

Just when it seems The Fast & the Furious franchise has gone as far as it can, there’s a new sequel with a new thrill-injected plot and the most extreme car races ever put on film. The Fate of the Furious, or Fast 8 as it was formerly titled, is no different with early reports indicating everything is bigger, badder, faster, and louder in the latest Fast & the Furious installment, encouraging fans of the series to wonder where it will all end. While The Fate of the Furious writers entertain jokes that the franchise might one day be launched into space, Charlize Theron, who is new to the franchise in The Fate of the Furious, reveals why she found the film to be one of her most challenging yet.

The Fate of the Furious Writers Comment On Bringing Race Cars Into Space


There’s no telling what’s next after The Fate of the Furious, though Vin Diesel has teased a new trilogy branching off, starting with this eighth installment, and, as Gizmodo discovered, the writers are up for anything. Even outer space. While they indicate there are no plans to launch the Fast & Furious franchise into orbit, they have also suggested that it’s not entirely out of the realm of possibility.

“Look, no plans for it right now, so hopefully people will be good with that,” The Fate of the Furious writer, Chris Morgan, said. “But, never say never. If we came up with the perfect thing and it made sense, it will be awesome.”

Morgan may laugh at the thought of bringing Dom (Vin Diesel) into space, but he has other ideas that aren’t very far removed from that fantastical fan concept. One of those ideas involves having Dom meet up with his long lost twin brother, Richard B. Riddick, another famous Diesel character, launched by the 2000 horror film, Pitch Black.

Interestingly enough, Pitch Black and the Riddick sequels all combined elements of sci-fi, taking place in space and other planets. Maybe the fate of the Fast & the Furious franchise will end up in space after all.

“Oh my God, I think Dom and Riddick would be so awesome,” taunted Morgan.

Charlize Theron Reveals Why She Found The Fate of the Furious So Challenging

The Fate of the Furious, Charlize Theron, Cipher
‘The Fate of the Furious’ star Charlize Theron reveals why Cipher was a challenge for her. [Image by Universal Pictures]

Auto World News shared that Charlize Theron recently went into detail about why she found The Fate of the Furious to be a challenging project, though she also said it was a fun film and enjoyed playing the villain, Cipher. Charlize spoke about the prime theme that has kept the Fast & Furious franchise so popular over the years and it wasn’t the car chases or the suspenseful plots. Instead, Ms. Theron says the sense of family in the films has been the overriding factor to keep the films connected, both on-screen and behind the scenes.

The Fate of the Furious actress added that playing the villain and being forced to try to divide that created her biggest challenge.

“This is a franchise that has been built for 16 years on this idea of family being kind of the cornerstone… and to play a character that has to kind of break all of that up, it was fun, yeah, and challenging,” says Theron.

It sounds like Charlize felt alienated on the set, which may have only helped her become a greater villain. The Fate of the Furious wasn’t the first time that Charlize has played the bad guy. She was also unloved in the 2003 fact-based story about Aileen Wuornos, Monster.

Theron may have also given fans a spoiler in revealing that her character, Cipher, plays a part in dividing the characters of The Fate of the Furious, after seven films in which they have remained tightly knit and devoted to one another.

The Fate of the Furious, starring Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson, and Charlize Theron, is due to hit theaters on April 14.

[Featured Image by Universal Pictures]

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