Rihanna apologizes to reporters on Wednesday, taking blame for a disaster on the her 777 Tour in which journalists said they barely spent time with the singer and worked in terrible conditions.
On the final day of the seven- day, seven-city tour, Rihanna apologizes to reporters after days of their grumbling and protests on the plane.
As The Atlantic Wire noted , Rihanna’s apology acknowledged that the trip was far from ideal for reporters:
“I know you guys got barely any dirt. But I had to be good. I still sound like sh–. It’s impossible to spend time with everybody, and I’m sorry I didn’t. But this was excellent and I would definitely do it again. I would do this next time with more people, more cities and sit back the the fans more … I had to preserve my health. Normally, I’d be back here popping bottles with y’all … I had to preserve my voice. I was worried about my body more than partying on the plane, so I had to just sleep whenever I could. I hope you guys had as much fun as I did.”
One of the journalists to join along on Rihanna’s 777 Tour, Us Weekly ‘s Ian Drew , described just how bad the conditions were:
“Most passengers were deliriously deprived of sleep, food and sunlight; members of the press were upset that Rihanna had been completely unavailable for quotes, photos or much of anything offstage following day one of the tour. One particularly despondent Australian shock-jock even streaked naked through the plane in protest ; in London, one journalist handed out fake ‘Missing: Rihanna’ flyers.”
Though Rihanna apologizes, not everyone feels bad for the journalists. As The Atlantic Wire writer Richard Lawson notes to reporters, “If you couldn’t stand the heat, you should never have gotten on the heat plane.”