Pokemon Sun and Moon fans will finally have another game to look forward to as Nintendo Switch is reportedly preparing for the arrival of Pokemon Stars . The handheld-exclusive series will finally come to living rooms after a long time, Game Freak indirectly confirms.
The Pokemon developer Game Freak recently listed an ad looking for 3D CG designers, Siliconera reports. The studio is recruiting character modelers with experience on Wii U and PS Vita and those who would like to get a chance to work on a “globally popular RPG.”
How To Get Shiny Starters in Pokemon Sun and Moon – https://t.co/YbLyXAkX8H #pokemongo #pokeballs #pokemongocoins pic.twitter.com/gwyZCP2FNS
— Pokemon Go Play! (@PKMNGoPlay) March 6, 2017
The job description includes creating cartoon-like characters, monsters and item models. The designers will closely work with programmers and will do debugging, data work, and more. Applicants are also expected to have experience in using the software Maya.
As for what title they will be working on, it is heavily hinted that it is a new Pokemon game that will come to the Nintendo Switch.
“It’s a title that everyone knows,” the job ad notes, and the “platform will be console.”
Dubbed Pokemon Stars , the Pokemon Sun and Moon updated version on the Switch was reported way back in 2016. According to Polygon , The Pokemon Company already confirmed that it will be supporting Nintendo Switch. All that’s left is the actual announcement of the new game, which might not be too far ahead.
A Pokemon game for the Switch is not that surprising since the console is a hybrid device that can be taken on-the-go. However, it still has higher specs and resolution than a handheld device – something that fans of the franchise will surely not complain about.
Nintendo Switch needs more than Zelda to keep it going strong
Aside from the benefit to fans of the longtime franchise, Nintendo will also benefit from launching a Pokemon game to the Switch. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is currently single-handedly lifting the sales of the console, but there will come a time when it will not be enough to entice new buyers.
Having a Pokemon game included in the Switch games lineup will keep the momentum going, and that is if the company releases it in a timely manner. There are other titles that make the console worth it, but releasing another one of Nintendo’s biggest franchises will probably be more than enough to make fans flock to it.
Pokemon Sun and Moon are great games, so fans are excited to see what an upgraded version would be like. It’s a shame that it is currently unavailable in consoles. Being restricted to the 3DS, it will never live up to the potential of Breath of the Wild or other full-blown RPG games that utilize the hardware of a console.
That’s not to say they are not worth it – they are. But Pokemon Sun and Moon will reach greater heights when Nintendo finally decides to use the internal specs of a console for a Pokemon title
As of now, there are no known details yet on Pokemon Stars aside from the rumor that it will be releasing this year. But if the console version is indeed just a port, then the gameplay will not be different.
Pokemon Sun and Moon feature the all-new seventh generation Pokemon with the starters Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio. The games take the players to the Alola Region that also houses some comical versions of Gen 1 monsters such as this cool-looking Alola Dugtrio.
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— ? Kojuri ? (@Kojuriii) January 9, 2017
More news about Pokemon Stars and its release on the Nintendo Switch will be reported as they come. How about you? Do you want a console version of Pokemon Sun and Moon?
[Featured Image by Pokemon ]