Season 1 of the Netflix Marvel series Iron Fist is currently trending across the internet and it isn’t for very good reasons.
The official release date for Iron Fist , the fourth original Netflix Marvel series, was March 17. In the two days the new Netflix Marvel series has been available to stream, critics and reviews on various media outlets have slammed the series for being “the worst Marvel show on Netflix.”
Warning: The remainder of the article may contain spoilers for anyone who has yet to watch the series.
A review on USA Today notes that every super group has a weak link and Iron Fist is officially the weak link when it comes to Netflix Marvel shows. The review on USA Today goes on to claim Iron Fist just doesn’t offer the same depth Marvel fans have come to expect. Those who have had the series claim it certainly fails in comparison to Jessica Jones, Daredevil , and Luke Cage .
A review on Vox describes the new Netflix Marvel series as “ a poorly written disaster ” and “ill-conceived.” The review proceeds to say that the biggest issue with Iron Fist is the fact that it is boring.
“This series takes everything good Marvel has done, takes it on a joy ride, then returns it scratched, bruised, and smelling like patchouli and broken promises. After the 13-hour slog, I’m not angry — I’m just disappointed.”
Hollywood Reporter notes that while it has only been two days that people have been able to watch Iron Fist the early reviews have not been great . In fact, the reviews across the board have been mostly disappointment with the new Netflix Marvel series.
Screen Rant even posted a review labeling Iron Fist as “the worst Marvel-Netflix show .”
The Hollywood Reporter’s Daniel Fienberg wrote that the series “feels like a step backward on every level, a major disappointment that already suffers from storytelling issues through the first six episodes made available to critics and would probably be mercifully skippable in its entirety if it weren’t the bridge into the long-awaited Defenders crossover series.”
While the general consensus across most media outlets that have posted a review about Iron Fist on Netflix is that the series is a total flop – the feedback on Twitter doesn’t appear to be all negative. While there are certainly a lot of tweets slamming the series for not being good, there are just as many tweets claiming they don’t understand why the series is getting slammed as a dud and the worst Marvel series on Netflix.
Here are some of the more positive tweets about Iron Fist on Twitter.
haters gonna hate, I LOVE THIS CAST, I LOVE THE SHOW #IronFist
— Valerie Ludong (@valerieludong) March 19, 2017
Dear Marvel fans.
You can like Iron Fist without complaining about what critics think of it.
Sincerely, us all.
— Nolan Dean ???????? (@nolandean27) March 19, 2017
So impressed with @JHenwick as Colleen Wing! She is so bada** in @MarvelIronFist ?????? Fantastic job!! #ColleenWing #IronFist
— Stevenson Johnson (@StevensonJohns1) March 19, 2017
Here are some of the more negative tweets agreeing that the Marvel series is the worst.
If Iron Fist were a sandwich it’d be a single slice of bologna between two pieces of white bread and nothing else.
— Nuri (@actionhankbeard) March 19, 2017
Okay folks, I watched a bit of Iron Fist and here’s my review: It should be illegal for America to make any kung fu-related TV or movies
— pixelatedboat aka “mr tweets” (@pixelatedboat) March 19, 2017
A handful of those who took the time to comment on Twitter with their negative feelings regarding the series commented on the fact that the series could have been better if it wasn’t Americans making a series about Kung-Fu. Would the movie have been better if it had been produced in another country?
While there hasn’t been any information released regarding whether or not Netflix has plans of renewing the series for Season 2, many have agreed Netflix would be better off pouring money into a new series or movie than to renew what a lot of people are referring to as the worst Marvel series on Netflix.
Have you had an opportunity to watch Iron Fist on Netflix yet? Did you enjoy the Marvel series or do you agree with critics that Netflix didn’t do a very good job with this one? Share your thoughts with us in the comment’s section found down below.
[Featured Image by Craig Barritt/Getty Images for Netflix]