The drama-filled Real Housewives of Atlanta reunion show shockingly ends with Todd Tucker claiming that Porsha Williams slept with Phaedra Parks then-husband Apollo Nida before he turned himself in to commence serving a lengthy prison sentence. reports the season-ending production was so explosive even reunion show host and series creator Andy Cohen took to social media to reflect.
Though this season still has a few more episodes yet to air, all attention is now geared toward the reunion show and the burning question of what Kandi Burruss’ husband’s claim will mean to the blossoming friendship of Parks and Williams.
Nida was sentenced to eight-years behind bars after being convicted of fraud in 2014 stemming from a scheme that netted millions of dollars from unsuspecting victims.
His dalliance with Williams is said to have taken place before him turning himself in to begin serving out his second prison sentence. He and Parks have divorced and gone their separate ways since he’s been incarcerated.
The last several months have also been an unsteady time for Williams, still locked in a bitter feud with former pal Burruss over rumors related to each of their sexuality.
“It’s just been boilin’ my blood ,” Burruss recently told Bravo of rumors Williams has been openly spreading about her and husband Tucker once trying to drug her to have sex with her. “Because if she’s out there telling people this mess, that could ruin my life. So, I have to let people know.”
Burruss has also recently claimed she and Williams once shared a late-night make out session in the middle of a dance floor, after which was followed by Williams propositioning her for sex.
That development followed Williams’ claiming Burruss has previously been in a long-term relationship with another woman and had a sex dungeon at her home that she and Tucker planned to take her and mutual friend Shamea Morton to for intercourse after drugging the two.
Williams has also insisted that Burruss is presently being cheated on by Tucker.
“That really bothered me because I’ve been in the music industry since I was a kid and people get into the whole drug and drinking thing,” Burruss said of Williams’ explosive allegations. “I was always determined that was not going to be me, so I take offense.”
More recently, Burruss threatened to sue Williams and has endlessly chastised her for being so reckless with some of the things she says.
“You not even thinking about the fact that I got kids,” she said. “Don’t try to ruin my life, ruin my business — that type of accusation can sit with you for life.”
In a recent interview with TMZ , Burruss also accused Williams of being a hypocrite based a video of her that recently surfaced showing her taking part in a church sermon where she endlessly blasted gays over their lifestyles.
Meanwhile, Burruss has never been shy about her sexuality, previously admitting to being intimate with a woman, while Williams has taken the stance her sexual past is her “personal business.”
Initially, Williams staunchly denied all Burruss’ claims about the two of them, and insisted if she were ever into women the 40-year-old, former Grammy-winner would not be her type.
“If I did like a bi**h, you not my type — believe that,” she said. “I’m not into tea cups, short and stout, bi**h.”
Later, Williams justified spreading rumors about her former pal based on the fact she was annoyed that her costar once did the same thing to her about her sex life, including openly claiming that she bedded Burruss’ ex-boyfriend Russell “Block” Spencer, who also happens to be the father of her young daughter.
[Featured Image by Marcus Ingram/Getty Images]