An Obama slush fund has been financing liberal activist groups by the billions of dollars, according to Fox News . Congress has just concluded an investigation into this and it was found that $3 billion has been paid to groups, including the National Council of La Raza , the National Community Reinvestment Coalition , and the National Urban League . These three organizations are just the ones that are known Obama slush fund recipients, so what do these activist organizations specifically stand for?
National Council of La Raza
The National Council of La Raza (NCLR) is a group focused on the overall well-being of the Latino population in America. According to the president and CEO of NCLR, Janet Murguia, the purpose of the organization is “to create opportunities and open the door to the American Dream for Latino and other families.”
As it turns out, La Raza, which means “The Race,” has a bit of a shady past. This Obama slush fund beneficiary may be using the money to capitalize on illegal immigration efforts, sources indicate.
According to Human Events , La Raza is pro-open borders and its members resent any and all U.S. immigration laws. They’re adept at utilizing federal funds and sneaking into matters of American politics.
During the 2016 presidential campaign season, Donald Trump came under fire for calling out the Mexican heritage of the judge who was overseeing a case against Trump University. Specifically, Trump said that the judge’s ethnicity qualified as a conflict of interest. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel has connections to NCLR , as he’s an active member of a sub-group called La Raza Lawyers of San Diego, and according to gotnews , Curiel had no qualms with granting college scholarships to illegal aliens living in the U.S.
Trump supporters insisted he had a point with his “racist” comment, as since Curiel is a known member of a group thought to be pro-illegal immigration, his stance on that very subject may have represented a conflict of interest.
It’s also been speculated that La Raza is responsible for some of the more violent anti-Trump rallies that took place in Southern California during 2015 and 2016.
National Urban League
It’s hardly surprising that the money of an Obama slush fund would go to a group dedicated to black Americans. The National Urban League is to black people what the National Council of La Raza is to Latinos. Their aim is to make African-American lives the best they can be. They’ve been around for over 100 years, were founded by Ruth Standish Baldwin and Dr. George Edmund Haynes, and their initial name was the Committee on Urban Conditions Among Negroes.
“The mission of the Urban League movement is to enable African Americans to secure economic self-reliance, parity, power and civil rights.”
As far as politics are concerned, NUL is obviously a group dedicated to left-wing activism. Their assessment of Senator Jeff Sessions being confirmed as U.S. attorney general highlights his civil rights past that Washington Democrats and the media began pushing as soon as President Trump announced that Jeff was his AG pick. They don’t seem hopeful about Sessions and their willingness to give him a chance appears slim.
Likewise, NUL was not happy with Trump’s secretary of education pick Betsy DeVos “because of her record of promoting educational policies that are inconsistent with civil rights.” The NUL is also worried about DeVos’ alleged monetary aid to movements that they say hurt the LGBTQ community.
Though it’s not just Republicans that NUL is unhappy with. Even with the benefit of an Obama slush fund, they didn’t give him a perfect score regarding his two terms in office. Obama did end up with a high rating, but not the best rating.
All in all, the National Urban League believes Obama made both America as a whole and Black America a better place, though they aren’t afraid to point out his failures. One such failure was that, although Obama had three chances to nominate an African-American Supreme Court justice, he ultimately chose not to.
Another low rating came under “Addressing Urban Gun Violence.” NUL feels Obama did not do all he could for the violence brought forth by firearms in his hometown of Chicago, which is something he’s been criticized about from both sides of the political aisle.
They’re also not satisfied with ObamaCare, Obama’s educational policies, and home ownership within African-American communities, among a few other things. However, they gave him scores of “Superior,” which is the best rating, overwhelmingly. All in all, it’s really not a bad score for a U.S. president, who has a mess of issues to deal with.
National Community Reinvestment Coalition
Another group the Obama slush fund is supporting is the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), which is an organization dedicated to the economic and financial well-being of lower class citizens. Unlike NCLR and NUL, this group is not dedicated to one race, but rather an economic class of people.
It’s evident by browsing through NCRC’s press releases that they’re committed to Obama-type goals. Among the disagreements they have with the current presidential administration are the immigration ban of citizens from seven Muslim-majority nations and Jeff Sessions as attorney general.
According to the initial Fox News sTory on the Obama slush fund, the Senate released a report last year that touched on NCRC’s tendency to support illegal immigration. According to said report, NCRC has sought to help out illegal immigrants with welfare that should only be made available to legal U.S. citizens.
GOP Wants It Gone
Republicans want to get rid of the Obama slush fund as well as any possibility something like this could take place in the future. It’s up to lawmakers in Congress to figure out proper legislation that would lead to the abolishment of this practice.
What do you think of the Obama slush fund? Did he go too far, or was it totally within his authority to make it so taxpayers would be paying money to a cause they may or may not support? Does it surprise you that he did this? Share your comments with us below.
[Featured Image by Win McNamee/AP Images]