WWE Superstar Roman Reigns has had trouble with WWE fans for years now, but could he finally make the turn that will allow him to connect with them in an easier way as he preps for a match with The Undertaker at WrestleMania 33 ? We know by now that despite Roman Reigns being a babyface, he gets booed by a majority of WWE fans regardless of the area WWE seems to go.
It is not as if it is cool to boo Reigns and THAT is why he gets hate. Rather, WWE fans seem turned off by him and do not care for his type of character anymore. The characters such as Hulk Hogan or the former Superman version of John Cena are no longer beloved. Fans these days love wrestlers who can wrestle well, if there is a good character involved then that makes them even better. However, good characters who talk well may also be liked by WWE fans, such as The Miz.
This is in spite of the fact that The Miz is not seen as an amazing wrestler. The thing is, he talks so well that fans love what he brings, this is similar to how fans loved The Rock back in the Attitude Era. The Rock was not a great in-ring worker, but he oozed charisma and was amazing on the mic. The problem with Roman Reigns is neither a great wrestler or even a good mic worker. He’s just okay at both, yet WWE try to make us believe he’s the very best…when he’s clearly not.
That insults the intelligence of WWE fans and thus, Roman Reigns gets sent to boo city every night. Therefore, would a heel turn not make sense when it would allow the character of Roman Reigns to step out and the boos would be wanted and not something Vince McMahon would hate hearing every night? That is a big discussion among WWE fans and many believed WWE would eventually make the turn for Roman because it would be best for everyone.
Wrestlezone reported that WWE may want to have a passing of the torch from The Undertaker to Roman Reigns. This would most likely mean a Roman Reigns victory that would get him hatred for years to come, even more than he has now. Basically you can treat his hatred to small bomb that levels a city or two. However, if he were to beat The Undertaker at WrestleMania , the hatred for Reigns would be considered nuclear.
WZ reported that this very well could be the official start of a heel run for Reigns, which would make a lot of sense considering the situation. You could never be more hated than Roman would be at that time, so why not run with it and see what you could do to get a genuine reaction from fans? Obviously you have no choice but to run with a heel Roman Reigns if he beats The Undertaker, as fans will boo him massively everywhere he goes. A heel turn is simply a must here.
The night he beats Undertaker and the night following, you may even need personal security for Reigns due to the fact that fans will hate him so much. Literally, it is impossible for any other man in WWE today or in the entire industry to get that kind of hate. WWE would be idiots to pass up such an amazing, real opportunity to make money on Roman.
Despite the fact that a heel turn will be the ideal move, WWE still has plans to make Roman Reigns the face of the company. This is sad to see as fans do not care for him now and may never decide to. However, if he can get over very well as a bad guy then it is possible fans may be okay with him as a good guy down the line. However, it may take years….not months….for this to happen. WWE forcing it to happen will only push fans to hating Reigns again.
It is a delicate situation for WWE, so that means they have to be very careful in how they turn him back into a good guy. The question WWE will need to ask themselves is, if they do decide to turn Roman Reigns heel for now…then who will the top face be for a while? If that person gets over better than Reigns ever did or ever could, would it not be smart to keep them at the top and not thrust Reigns back up there? We’ll have to wait and see what comes of this.
[Featured Image By WWE]