WWE News: Paige Gives Injury Update, Starting Physical Therapy

Published on: January 23, 2017 at 7:26 PM

It has been months since the WWE Universe has seen Paige at a WWE event. Paige was suspended twice and then underwent neck surgery against the WWE wishes. Paige took to Twitter to give fans an update on her rehabilitation . According to Paige, she is ahead of schedule on her rehab and just started physical therapy.

The WWE allegedly didn’t believe that Paige needed surgery but she ignored them and took her doctor’s advice. As the Inquisitr previously reported, Paige had a disc herniation at c6-7 that was pushing on the exit of her C7 nerve root. This was reportedly causing pain in her upper extremity and neck. The doctor also said that Paige had a lot of wear and tear for someone as young as her.

[Image by WWE]

The fact that the WWE claimed she didn’t need the surgery caused her fiance Alberto Del Rio to come out on Twitter and reveal the extent of the injuries to the fans. The WWE has remained silent since then, although they have asked Paige to show up at a few Monday Night Raw events for updates on her rehabilitation.

There was some thought that she could be back as soon as SummerSlam in August, but the timing of her return is still up in the air. There is also the problem that she is now one failed drug test away from the WWE terminating her contract.

Paige was part of a rash of WWE suspensions that took place last summer. Paige, Alberto Del Rio, and Eva Marie were all suspended around the same time for failing the WWE drug tests.

[Image by WWE]

Alberto Del Rio worked out his release during his suspension and has returned to Mexico to wrestle under the name of Alberto El Patron. It was on a show in Mexico that Paige dropped to a knee and asked Alberto to marry her. He accepted, although he is still married at this time and is going through a messy divorce.

As for Paige and Eva Marie, both women denied failing their drug tests for illegal drugs. Paige claimed she missed a test because she was out of state when they called her and she couldn’t get back in time. Paige was out with an injury during this time.

Eva Marie’s boyfriend went to social media to claim that Eva Marie was on a doctor’s prescribed medication but didn’t get the proper information to the WWE about this prescription on time. That is interesting because Paige picked up a second suspension while out on the first one and her father claimed it was for taking doctor prescribed pain pills.


Her dad also blasted the WWE for not providing the necessary medical care of his daughter and wanted her to return to Britain to get better medical coverage. Since then, Paige had her surgery against the WWE wishes, continuing the idea that the WWE did not have her best interests at heart.

Now, it seems like Paige is preparing for her WWE return. Alberto Del Rio already said that she is tied up to a long-term contract, so she will remain in the WWE regardless of bad feelings, or at least until another failed drug test.

In similar news, if anyone is in San Antonio during The Royal Rumble and can’t make it to the event, PWMania reported that Alberto Del Rio and Paige will hold a Royal Rumble party at Del Rio’s restaurant, La Cantinita.

[Featured Image by WWE]

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