Chris Brown has developed his own philosophy on love and infidelity based on failed relationships with Rihanna and Karrueche Tran. In Brown’s opinion, men tend to cheat on their partners to seek sexual pleasure, rather than cheating for the sake of love.
Karrueche Tran Shows Off Bikini Body For Social Media – Chris Brown Reacts via
— Hey Boy (@HeyanBoy) December 12, 2016
However, the American singer/songwriter believes that women cheat on men when they’re looking for a partner who’ll show them love and affection, instead of just satisfying their sexual desires. According to Rolling Out , Chris Brown spoke about what he believes is the main reason for a woman’s infidelity .
“We cheat on our girlfriends but we don’t want them to cheat on us. We cheat for sex, just to f***, but when a woman cheats she cheats for love and affection. She cheats with a guy that can potentially replace you.”
Rolling Out also reported that the singer/dancer/actor believes the thing that hurts a man’s ego the most is when he’s been cheated on by a woman.
“We cheat the most but women cheat the best. We dish it out but we can’t take it back. We act like it’s the end of the world when we get cheated on.”
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— Celebrity News (@UpdatedCeleb) December 25, 2016
Chris Brown suggests that men fail to realize their partners can still cheat on them, even if they have great sex, because the most important aspect of a romantic relationship is the love between the two people concerned.
Brown urges men to take their romantic failures sportingly and maintain the right perspective while enjoying their romantic relationships. The actor himself has been accused of indiscretions in the past.
Recently, Rihanna indirectly referred to the failed relationship between Brown and Karrueche Tran, trying to highlight the fact that she should not be blamed for breaking up with Brown. Earlier, Rihanna accused Brown of assaulting her while they were in a relationship.
More recently, Brown broke up with Karrueche and accused her of being arrogant and hogging the spotlight by using his name. It appears that every moment of his life has made Brown wiser and more mature, so much so that he’s formulated his own philosophy about infidelity.
Despite their troubled past, it seems that Rihanna isn’t holding a grudge against her former partner. Hollywood Life reports that Rihanna recently sent Chris Brown a loving and sweetly reminiscent text after she listened to Alicia Keys’ 2001 hit song “Fallin.”
Rihanna & Chris Brown: Her Loving Message To Him After Listening To Alicia Keys’ Fallin – Hollywood Life
— Rihanna News (@RihannaNewsUK) December 23, 2016
According to the source, the song reminded Rihanna of the love that she and Chris Brown once shared, and she felt inspired to text her ex-partner with a link to the song’s video clip on YouTube.
“[‘Fallin’] made her reflect on how deep their love was when they were in their heyday. She hates the fact she and Chris kept falling in and out of love in the past.”
In other news, the popular rapper continues to face legal hassles due to his outlandish public behavior. Since 2012, he has been involved in public brawls that have at times involved artists like Drake and Frank Ocean. In 2013, the court ordered Brown to attend a rehabilitation center after the singer and his bodyguard threw punches at two men who were trying to take photographs of them.
However, rehabilitation authorities evicted Brown from the center because of his violent behavior. Legal authorities then ordered the singer to spend further time under observation in order to curb his violent actions. He was also instructed to undergo drug testing. Because of Brown’s volatile behavior, countries like the United Kingdom and Australia have imposed a ban on the artist.
More recently, Brown was served legal documents after attacking Mike G, his former manager. The surprising aspect of this incident was that the singer assaulted the very man who was trying to help him manage his violent outbursts.
#ChrisBrown Chris Brown Literally Ran Away From Being Served Court Papers For Mike G Assault…
— gossip (@xnug_tv) October 17, 2016
Brown was served notice while attending a charity basketball game with his entourage. However, TMZ reports that Chris Brown hurried away from the scene, running away at top speed when he saw the process server approaching him with legal documents.
Despite his personal problems, Chris Brown continues to produce great music and collaborate with other artists. HipHopDx reports that Brown and Original Hood Bosses, his American hip-hop artists’ team, has collaborated with UK’s Section Boyz Squad to produce Attack the Block , a mixtape album comprised of 16 tracks.
[Featured Image by Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images]