Nintendo Switch Confirmed Third Party Games, Plus A Big Rumored Trilogy

Nintendo Switch confirmed third party games seems to be a question that many analysts are asking. Nintendo’s last home console the Wii U promised third party support when it hit shelves just four years ago. While it did have a few companies who created games that utilized the gamepad, most just ended up porting over versions of games that had been made for the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3.

The big difference between four years ago with the Wii U and now with the Nintendo Switch is there actually seems to be game news surrounding major third party titles coming to the new system. If the rumors are true, Nintendo might have mended the fences that seems to have been broken for years. Here is a list of Nintendo Switch confirmed third party games coming soon according to credible sources.


The first and most obvious third party game to come to the Switch is from Bethesda Software. During the reveal trailer in October, Nintendo featured some version of Bethesda’s popular fantasy game Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The video can be seen on Nintendo’s official website.

Skyrim was recently released in a definitive edition form on both the Xbox ONE and PlayStation 4. According to Let’s Play Video Games contributor Laura Dale, this version of Skyrim is expected to make its debut on Nintendo systems at launch. No other Bethesda games have been confirmed, but the addition of Skyrim is certainly a feather in Nintendo’s cap. Plus, it goes a long way to legitimize the Switch in the eyes of third parties.

Just Dance 2017

Ubisoft has always been one of Nintendo’s biggest third party supporters. This seems to hold true with their next console. From day one, Just Dance 2017 has been confirmed for the Switch. With the detachable Joycons and the rumor of motion sensor technology, Just Dance 2017 on the Switch should be one of the most accurate ways to play the popular party game.

It should also be noted that rumors suggest a collaboration between Ubisoft and Nintendo to mash up one of Ubi’s most popular franchises Rabbids and Nintendo’s iconic Mario is in the works. The game is said to be along enough in development to be a launch title, and it was reported by Laura Dale via Twitter that the game would be a RPG format.

Dragon Quest XI

Nintendo’s relationship with Square Enix has been strained over the years. The company responsible for the popular Final Fantasy series once collaborated with Nintendo on what some feel is one of the greatest RPG’s on a Nintendo console, Super Mario RPG. However, with Sony coming on to the scene, Nintendo would see very little in support from Square Enix over the next few years.

Things changed a little over a year ago. Nintendo shocked the world with the inclusion of Cloud from Final Fantasy as one of the last fighters added to Super Smash Bros. Many wondered if this would usher in a new era of Square games on Nintendo systems, and it seems the Switch will benefit.

Dragon Quest XI looks to make an appearance on the new platform. It is definitely coming to Japan. No word has been mention on other territories. Rumors have suggested that the Switch may be region-free which would be a huge change for Nintendo, and it would insure games like Dragon Quest will reach fans in North America without having to import another system.

Seasons of Heaven

For those who are not familiar with the indie scene, Seasons of Heaven is one of the first indie titles announced as an exclusive to the Switch. The game centers on a boy and his dog as they look to traverse a post-apocalyptic landscape. It’s actually based on a French book and is made by Any Arts Production.

Season of Heaven was built on the Unreal Engine, and many have commented how great it runs on the Switch. This is good news for fans because Unreal Engine is popular among many development companies. This could lend credence to the rumor that the Switch is one of the easiest systems to develop for.

There are a number of other Nintendo Switch confirmed third party games. Notable titles include the next Sonic game (that isn’t Sonic Mania), Yooka-Laylee, Steamworld Collection, Strawdew Valley, and Rime. Rime is an interesting addition. According to Gematsu, it was formerly thought to be a PlayStation 4 exclusive.

Dark Souls Trilogy

Few games will test a player’s patience than the Dark Souls Trilogy from From Software. This powerhouse franchise has tested some of the most experienced gamers and won, but the detail and beauty of the game have them coming back for more time and time again. What if the entire series could be taken with you on the go?

[Image by From Software]
[Image by From Software]

In a separate post, Let’s Play Video Games claims that From Software is not just looking at porting Dark Souls 3 to the Switch, but the entire trilogy could see a re-release on Nintendo’s next system. The article goes on to say that From Software is running at a level on the Switch that they are happy with. If this is the case, the trilogy should do fine on the system considering the other two were available for the previous generation of systems.

Some have mentioned that when it comes to Nintendo Switch confirmed third party games, fans should be skeptical because the same was said for the Wii U. However, the difference between the two platforms, portability, should go a ways to making a lot of the games mentioned enticing to gamers. The Nintendo 3DS has been very successful with games like the ones above. Is there any reason to expect the Switch to be any different?

[Feature Image by Nintendo of America]

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