In the Korean music industry, it seems that K-pop acts are plagued with a curse that they usually disband on an odd number of years. The fandom often calls this happenstance a curse, in which it seems most disband after either five or seven years thus the “Five-Year Curse” and “Seven-Year Curse.” For 2016, it was the seventh year for many beloved veteran K-pop acts and some have fallen to the curse that comes with it. 4Minute and Rainbow come to mind, but probably the most heartbreaking K-pop disband of this year was 2NE1 .
Another K-pop act that was rumored to disband was the veteran boy band signed under Cube Entertainment, Beast. Prior to the date their contracts with Cube Entertainment expired, many wondered what Beast would do. It would be understandable if Beast left their entertainment label of seven years given the state they are in now after forcibly disbanding 4Minute. In some ways, Cube Entertainment thought Beast would leave given how hard they are pushing Pentagon . On the other hand, Beast could sign another contract simply out of loyalty.

Eventually, we soon learned that Beast would choose a third option: create their own independent label. K-pop reports came in that Beast has created their own label called Around US Entertainment. As for the trademark of their name, Around US Entertainment is in discussion with Cube Entertainment on the matter.
Around US Entertainment officially made the announcement of being the new independent label representing Beast on Thursday, December 15, as reported by AllKpop . In their statement, they also showed appreciation for their fans, gratitude to Cube Entertainment, and an explanation behind the meaning of their label’s name.
“Now with a new year and a new start ahead of us, and as the partner of our artists — Yoseob,Junhyung, Doojoon, Kikwang, and Dongwoon — Around US Entertainment is here to notify the loving fans about their special start.”
“We appreciate CEO Hong Seung Sung and the employees of Cube Entertainment, who created and looked after B2ST until now.”
“The name for Around US Entertainment was chosen with the desire to be closer with and engage more people frequently. Just like it’s meaning, we attempt to create music and content that everyone can easily enjoy anywhere around us.”
“The artists still have a long path to walk and have much more to do. We promise that we will do our best to provide the fans of our artist and everyone else with joy. Please regard us positively as our label and the artists walk down this path together. Once again, we appreciate the many who gave their unchanging trust, support, and love, which allowed [Beast] to be here today. We will always be wishing for your happiness and health.”
If the statement by Around US Entertainment is 100 percent honest, they and Beast will need all of their good graces with Cube Entertainment pertaining to the trademark of their name. According to Soompi , Beast’s former entertainment label and agency expressed their concerns with said trademark . On Friday, December 16, they provided a statement on the matter to the press.
“We have not yet discussed Beast’s trademark with Around US Entertainment. We need to discuss it.”
Reportedly, Around US Entertainment are in the same boat as Cube Entertainment as they too have said they are currently discussing the trademark.
On another note, there is a minimal number of K-pop fans, especially those who are B2UTY (official fan club of Beast), who wonder if Hyunseung will rejoin Beast despite the fact he just left about eight months ago back in April of this year.
Maybe the facts were lost during the whole debacle when it was first confirmed that Hyunseung left Beast at the time, but he is still signed on to Cube Entertainment as a soloist. Apparently, some in the K-pop community thought Hyunseung leaving Beast also meant he left Cube Entertainment. He only left the boy band to concentrate on his solo career only. However, such facts can easily be lost in the noise made by fans who justify Hyunseung’s departure from the group due to an “attitude” problem or disinterest.
Beast’s last album under Cube Entertainment, their third full-length studio album titled Highlight is available for purchase on YesAsia . Take note this album is the first in which Beast performs without Hyunseung as a five-member boy band.
[Featured Image by CUBE Entertainment]