A sex tape that allegedly features India Love making love to another woman was leaked online, and now everyone wants to know the identity of the other woman. Early reports indicated that she might be Kehlani, the singer who used to be Kyrie Irvin’s girlfriend. She already spoke out about her non-involvement in the home movie and even provided evidence that it wasn’t her. Now the man who leaked the tape is speaking out too, and he thinks India should be happy for his help.
Soulja Boy has been saying for a while now that his former flame India Love had a sex tape. Now it turns out that the former Love & Hip Hop Hollywood star wasn’t lying after a short piece of that tape leaked online.
As soon as India’s sex tape hit the internet, there was speculation about who might star in it with her. Even though The Westbrooks star has infamously dated The Game, Soulja Boy, and most recently Drake, it turns out that it isn’t a man in the sex tape with her. It’s a woman.
The guy who leaked #IndiaLove ‘s girl on girl tape doesn’t feel bad about it???? pic.twitter.com/MPjt81Fiz1
— TheShadeRoom (@TheShadeRoom) December 14, 2016
After the two-minute snippet of India Love’s sex tape had leaked, many speculated that it might be Kehlani in the video with her. She is the same singer who went through a huge suicide scare after allegedly cheating on Kyrie Irvin and getting dumped earlier this year.
In any case, Kehlani says the other woman in the homemade movie is not her, and she can prove it. According to Hot New Hip Hop, the “Distraction” singer says that the proof is in her tattoos . Kehlani is tattooed practically head to toe so figuring out if the other woman is her should be pretty easy. She said that the lack of tattoos on the hands and fingers of the other woman in the video shows that it must be someone else because Kehlani is tatted up all over hers. In response to the rumors that Kehlani might be the other woman with India Love, she says, “Leave me out of it.”
It seems that the whole sex tape is about tattoos, at least when it comes to identifying the stars of the show. India Love was outed for her starring role because of a huge LA tattoo on her rear that she is known for. Close up shots of the tattoo in the video make it pretty obvious that she is the one shown spread eagle in the short piece of footage that is floating around online.
It’s not known yet if there is more of India Love’s sex tape to come. So far we’ve only been privy to about two minutes of it but there is certainly more footage out there.
India Love our #WCW ???????????????? pic.twitter.com/rb08TJ2ATI
— My Mixtapez (@mymixtapez) December 14, 2016
The man who leaked parts of the video spoke out on Instagram when questioned about why he leaked the tape. According to The Shade Room, one commenter took shots at the unknown tape leaker and claimed that he was just mad because it was his girl in the tape with India.
He already responded and made it clear that he has no girlfriend to speak of, so that wasn’t his motivation for making India Love’s sex tape public. Instead, he claimed that she should thank him for putting it out there because it was free promotion for the up and coming reality TV star and model.
So far, India Love is not speaking out in the aftermath of her sex tape leak. It’s not the first time she has had steamy images leaked either. This is the same woman who had some pretty explicit images leak when she was dating The Game
[Featured Image by Jason Merritt/Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images]