The drama that is unwinding around Jocelyn Wildenstein (aka Catwoman), the woman best known for undergoing millions of dollars worth of plastic surgery all to resemble a wild cat, and her estranged boyfriend, designer Lloyd Klein, continues to get stranger as Klein is now accusing Wildenstein of faking an assault. But the latest bombshell from Klein is that Wildenstein is nearly broke, having gone through the $2.5 billion she got in her divorce, and that is why she is lashing out.
People who were not familiar with Jocelyn Wildenstein, also known as “Catwoman” and “Bride of Wildenstein” have gotten a crash course in the last week in what the world of Wildenstein looks like, down to the plastic surgery that she thinks looks great, and that most find startling, says the Inquisitr. Last week, Jocelyn Wildenstein was arrested after allegedly attacking her boyfriend, scratching his face, cutting his chest with scissors, drawing blood, and throwing hot wax in his face. Klein reportedly had to confine Wildenstein in a closet to keep her from doing further damage.
The latest Wildenstein cat tale centers on Jocelyn Wildenstein, 76, going broke , according to her ex-boyfriend, Lloyd Klein, 49, and that is why she is now melting down, according to PageSix . Wildenstein received a record divorce settlement of $2.5 billion from her ex-husband, Alec Wildenstein, and is said to have spent millions on plastic surgery to resemble a cat. Now, Klein says, the money is running out, and so Wildenstein is bitter, and concocting the fight story as revenge.
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Jocelyn Wildenstein told police that Klein came to their former apartment under the guise of picking up his things, threw her to the ground, and took items that did not belong to him. Klein says this is false, but he was still arrested, and charged with robbery, assault, grand larceny and criminal mischief in connection with Sunday’s episode, in which he allegedly swiped a Swiss ID (Jocelyn Wildenstein was born in Switzerland), an iPhone and a credit card.
Crazy, Cat Lady Literally~ “Catwoman” Socialite Jocelyn Wildenstein Arrested for Slashing Her Boyfriend
— Gracee Applebaum JD (@MsBaumLaw) December 13, 2016
Though many people surmised that the 49-year-old was with the 76-year-old Wildenstein for the money, friends say that the opposite might be true, and Klein has actually been carrying Wildenstein for some time.
“The reality is that Lloyd has been carrying this woman for some time now. She faces financial ruin and wants to destroy everything in her wake — including Lloyd.”
Sources close to the couple says that Wildenstein was angered because she knew that Klein was ending their fourteen-year relationship. They also say that at this time, Klein is weak as he is still recovering from a bout with cancer.
“Lloyd has been a shell of himself since last Wednesday’s assault. He was in quite a bit of pain; he hadn’t slept for three days. He’s still recovering from the lymphoma and is really frail.”
The Daily Mail says that the couple has been ordered to stay at least a thousand yards from each other to prevent another round of fighting. But even though Wildenstein insists that Klein attacked her, witnesses say that it was Wildenstein chasing Klein down to the lobby of their apartment building in a cocktail dress and bare feet, which is not the behavior of someone in fear.
“He returned to a woman in a rage. She was absolutely unreachable. She was screaming about her keys being lost. She didn’t talk about being beaten or marked in any way. There was no physical evidence of an altercation.”
The rest of the details seem to boil down to he said/she said and will have to be worked out through the legal system.
Who do you believe in the battle of Lloyd Klein versus Jocelyn Wildenstein?
[Featured Image by Grant Lamos IV/Getty Images]