Travis Kelce picked Maya Benberry during the finale of the E! Network show Catching Kelce , and fans have been anxious for updates on the couple ever since. Travis’ choice to pick Maya over some of the other ladies generated a lot of buzz and controversy, and it looks like all of the negativity has led to the two choosing to keep details regarding their life private. What’s the latest from the duo?
There was a fairly significant time gap between when Catching Kelce filmed and aired, and this meant that Travis and Maya had to keep their relationship hidden for quite a few months. During that time, he said that he was very happy with his final pick, although he mentioned that the two were quite a ways away from an engagement, wedding, or even making moving plans. As show fans know, he is based in Missouri when he’s playing for the Kansas City Chiefs, while Benberry lives in Los Angeles, California.
Once the finale aired and it was known that Benberry won Travis’ heart on Catching Kelce , viewers went wild on social media. Maya received a significant amount of backlash, with quite a bit of it including racially-ugly criticism. As a result, she took virtually everything related to the show and her beau off of her social media accounts and rarely references any of it. Benberry has also been vocal in saying that she did not like how the show was edited, and she doesn’t want the negative edit to impact her current business ventures.
Around the time of the finale, Maya had indicated that she would head to Missouri to watch Travis in the December 8 Kansas City Chiefs game. Unfortunately, she did not make it to the game, and Benberry explained that something business-related had come up that made her change her plans. When Catching Kelce fans questioned whether she had been at any games, she fired back via Twitter.
Benberry noted that she had been at one of Travis’ pre-season games, adding that he had 20 friends at the big game last week, so he had plenty of support. Maya added that she is fine with taking a backseat to a game, and she will be at the games whenever her Catching Kelce beau wants her at the games. Of course, this led at least one critic to take that as an indication that he doesn’t want her at any games, but it doesn’t look like she was lured in to respond to that tweet.
The Catching Kelce winner recently explained that she preferred to keep her romantic life private and has almost always been that way. In addition, Benberry noted that fans should not expect her to plaster her social media pages with updates about Travis. Maya did indicate that there might be a few posts here and there, but those following her solely for that reason would likely be disappointed. Benberry added that essentially until she or Travis releases a statement revealing more about the state of their relationship, people should presume that they are together and doing fine.
What does Travis say about all of this? Basically, the Catching Kelce star tweeted out a couple of posts as the finale aired that signaled he was still plenty happy with his choice and that’s been it. There are a fair number of people who question whether Travis and Maya truly are still together, and many are not shy about voicing their opinions. Reality television fans aren’t used to seeing a couple fly so low under the social media radar if they are still together, and this new approach is sending some into a bit of a tizzy.
Will Benberry and Kelce get to a point where they start posting about their relationship together if indeed they are still dating? Catching Kelce fans certainly hope so, but at this point, it doesn’t look all that likely. Do you think that all is well between Travis and Maya, and can they last as a couple?
[Featured Image by Ethan Miller/Getty Images]